Sunday 30 September 2007

Reading Challenge! Fall into reading....

Around this time of year I always want to read more, it must have something to do with the weather and wanting to keep warm! I had planned a trip this week to my local library to order a few books that I have had on my reading list for a long time. Most on the list are fiction books with a fall/Halloween theme, I cannot resist a good cozy murder at this time of the year! In the past, either amazon uk could not get them for me, or my library would take too long, however I thought it would be worth another go to find the books I want to read.........

As I was browsing the Blogsphere I stumbled across
Callapidder Days. Fall into reading 2007

I have never given myself any set reading goals before and that is exactly what this is .........'A Reading Challenge' .......To make yourself a reading list that takes you through September to December. I am pleased to have found 'Fall into reading' just at the right time, I must admit I am quite excited at the prospect of actually getting through some of the books that are so familiar to me yet I have never read!
If you would also love to read more, take the challenge or just see what everyone is reading......... here is a bit about the challenge........

' Fall Into Reading 2007 is a casual, low-pressure challenge. The point is simply to provide motivation to read, and to provide an opportunity for all of us to set goals when it comes to our personal (or family) reading. As a participant, all you'll have to do is make a list of books you'd like to read (or books you'd like to finish!) this fall. We'll share our goals with each other, and then share our experience and results when the challenge is over.'

To read more and sign up visit......
Callapidder Days - Lets Go!

Here are the books on my list, The main two I wish I could lay my hands on Are Death Of A Trickster and Trick Or Treat Murder! A visit to my library today told me I couldn't have them for months so its up to amazon........ I hope to get through most of them! I did find two new books to add to the list. I found them in the library... Cherry Cheesecake Murder and Seeing Stars

Halloween/Fall Reading ...

Death of A Trickster

Trick Or Treat Murder

Halloween: Customs, Recipes and Spells - Non Fiction

The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Library Finds

Cherry Cheesecake Murder

Seeing Stars

Christmas read

Skipping Christmas

I think it we be a joy reading the books from my list and seeing what others are reading, I want to thank Callapidder Days for the motivation to set ourselves goals and an enjoyable way to keep them! and for giving us this challenge.........

Happy reading everyone, Ill be back soon with how I am getting on!

Priscilla x


cottage_Charm52 said...


These look like some good reads. What a perfect time of year to curl up with a good book! Enjoy!


Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Looks like a good list, Priscilla! I agree - a cozy murder mystery really is perfect this time of year. Thanks for being part of Fall into Reading!

Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed 'Skipping Christmas.' I have so many books waiting to be read......I find getting library books makes me read more... something about the added pressure and not wanting to get fines maybe? Reading deadlines also remind me of schooldays.....

Anonymous said...

Nothing I like better than a good murder mystery.

Anonymous said...

Hi Priscilla,

It is always great to have an excuse to stay indoors all cosy and warm and enjoy a good book. I love reading murder mysteries at this time of year too.

I found your lovely blog via cd&m. Will visit again.

Marie x

Anonymous said...

Priscilla, the reading challenge is a great idea, and I think your list of books looks great! Love all the murder mysteries. I'm reading a fun one right now called "Murder at the Portland Variety". It takes place in the late 1800's in Portland. It's very good.


Linda said...

Love to read too! A cozy mystery and a nice cuppa..perfect. You have some great reads ahead. Linda


Just the other day while "Junking" I found a Great book that is perfect for the season..

"Wicked" The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. by Gregory Maguire.
I thought even if I don't get a chance to read it before the Holiday, it will look Neat on the Coffee table with my other Halloween decorations!

Laume said...

Hi - just a late partygoer popping in. I'm almost done visiting everyone - finally! There were so many wonderful new bloggers to meet! And I was just gonna say a quick hi but, now I'm rambling all through your posts. I've given myself a reading challenge as well. Have you heard of Shelfari? and there's also but I found Shelfari more userfriendly. I'm "Elpheba" there. I tried to read all Halloween themed books this October which, since I was so busy, was only three books. But I liked them all. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, All Hallows'Evil by Valerie Wolzien (a cozy mystery since I see you like that sort of thing - I've read the Leslie Meier one) and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

Anonymous said...
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Books I have read and enjoyed

I am counting down..