Saturday 1 December 2007

Christmas Cake......Church Fair

December the 1st.........

This morning I took the cake I decorated to the church hall for tomorrows Christmas Fair............ As I mentioned in previous posts I was asked to decorate the cake for the 'Guess the weight of the cake'. I am new to the church dramatic society and was very flattered to be asked. The lady who baked the cake named Joan gave me the cake Thursday night! I must say I thought I was going to have a little longer to decorate.........ha,ha
Originally I was going to decorate with Santa's washing line, hat , socks etc. Then on thinking about it decided that a more traditional look would suit the occasion. On my last post I talked about a Christmas tea cup that I love, I thought the Christmas rose design would look lovely in sugar flowers
Here are some photos of the cake been decorated..........

On Friday morning I gathered my decorating equipment and started on the flowers for the cake, with the china saucer as a design guide! I use metal or plastic cutters to cut the shapes but cardboard templates can be used and cut out using a knife. The petals and holly are on florist wires. I didn't own a holly cutter so it was a nice excuse to buy one! ha,ha

The yellow tools are used to shape the petals, the paint brush is.......A rolling pin! The berries were fun to make, there is just something wonderful about red berries and green holly............. such a traditional Christmas image. The white paste is ready to make the petals for the rose.

Once all the petals and holly were made I dusted them using powder food colours, this part of making flowers is the most rewarding, once colour is added the shapes begin to come to life. By this point it was the middle of the afternoon, my mum stopped by bringing with her a very appreciated iced bun and doughnut! We had tea then she spent the afternoon with me as I carried on working.......... This allowed mum to take control of the camera!

As I began to wire
the spray together
mum snapped a few
Florist tape has been
used to tape the
wires together.
Please don't mind the
mess on my table I
always feel I need every
item I own right there
next to me! ha,ha

The spray began to come together, it was about 4.00pm, my how time flys when your having fun..... and how I wished Joan had given the cake to me Monday like planned! I still had the cake to marzipan and cover with sugar paste, add ribbon and place the spray on the cake.........
Now too many holes in a cake leads to a lumpy cake! So what to do? Fill the holes with marzipan until it looks like a foreign cheese!
Here is the completed cake once the marzipan and sugar paste have been added, I finished the cake at 10.30pm Friday night. I am pleased with the way the cake turned out, I hope we get some good ticket sales at the fair, Ill let you know how it all goes!

I arrived at the church this morning and helped with the toy/book stall, there were some really nice things, I nearly bought some vintage tree baubles! there will also be a Santa's grotto, cookie/cake stall, brick-a-brack and a tombola. It was a great morning, I am looking after the weight of the cake and book stall.
I can tell you the cake now weighs.............6lb 9oz

Shhhhh don't tell anyone! .........

Happy December 1st, see you again soon

Priscilla x


Carolyn said...

what a lovely cake - I love the decoration

ohiofarmgirl said...

Stunning...absolutly stunning. It is so amazing how you take nothing and make something so beautiful. You have a wonderful talent. Enjoy your day. Dianntha

Teresa said...

The cake decoration is beautiful. You are so talented. I took very basic cake decorating classes years ago, but nothing like this!! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla, that is an absolutely amazing cake!! You are so talented. You did a fantastic job!


~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Priscilla ~ That cake is stunning!! I am truly amazed at your talent. The details are all so perfect! It's gorgeous!

{And over 6 pounds!! how did she make it so heavy?} :)

Liisa said...

Oh my goodness what a beautiful cake! I have never seen anything like it. You truly have a gift!Thank you for sharing the pictures of it in progress as well as the finished product.


BittersweetPunkin said...

How Gorgeous!! You are very talented!!

Sweet Remembrance said...

Absolutely beautiful cake...

Anonymous said...

Your cake looks beautiful.

FarmHouse Style said...

The cake is beautiful! Way to lovely to eat:)

Thank you for stopping in to visit me this morning. I hope you will come back again sometime.


Anonymous said...

Priscilla, I think you missed your calling. You should be in the cake decorating business. That's the prettiest cake I have ever seen. I can't believe you made that rose and leaves. Gorgeous! I was delighted that you visited my blog and I hope you will come often. ~ Smiles ~ Lynn

bj said...

OMGosh...I am sooo impressed. You did a fabulous job. So pretty!!

Kelli said...

Oh, it's absolutely gorgeous! You did a wonderful job!
You asked how our St. Nicholas tradition started. I had a friend who lived in Germany and she shared what her and her family did. Have a great week!

Jen Kershner said...

Oh, that cake is just too beautiful. Simple and elegant. It's almost too pretty to eat.

Anonymous said...

Wow ~ beautiful. Nothing more to say.

Linda said...

Priscilla...this cake is so beautiful. So many steps and all the special little tools and you've created something so are very talented my friend. Hugs Linda

P. said...

Wow! It's all I can say.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Pricilla, I noticed that today (the 10th) is your birthday! Happy Birthday & thank you for the birthday wishes last week.

I'm in awe of your beautiful cake decorating. I have never tried anything like's gorgeous!

Merry Christmas!


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Wow ~ That is an absolutely gorgeous cake ~ I had to post a comment about it before I read more of your blog :o)

kathyann said...

Hi Priscilla,just trying to catch up with everyones blogs.You certainly did a fantastic job of decorating the cake for your Christmas fair!Thank you for leaving your lovely comments on my blog ,our Christmas fair raised just over £700 which means our over 50's group can carry on crafting in 2008.Hope yours was as successfull!!!!

Homestead Mercantile said...

I never would have belived that those little jewels were actually sugar. So fun and what a talent you are.
I am going to forward your blog to my daughter because she likes to bake.
Thanks for posting on my blog. It is a little known one, so I always happy to hear from people like yourself.
Pamela at

Kathleen Grace said...

Hello Priscilla, Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. It led me back to your blog and I am just blown away at your talent for cake decorating and the beautiful things you show. I tried sugar paste on a cake once and it didnt look anything like what yours does! LOL! I found it very difficult to work with. You are extremely talented! I will certianly be visiting you more often:>)

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