Wednesday 31 October 2007

Happy Halloween......come on in! Join the Party

A house with a Pumpkin counjures such a scare!..........Do you really wish to know who lives inside there?

Come on In, mind the cat, the nights stll young, so take of your hat.............

Hello my Pretties, i'll be your guide, dont be afraid, step right on inside.
A candle I carry to light the way
Have a good time........ I do hope you stay!

The house has been 'waiting' as I expect you know.........To celebrate Halloween and bask in its glow.

Make yourselves comfy, take a look around, don't be scared by the sights and sounds!

Trick or treat I hear you say,now let me see what I have hidden away......

A piece of cake or a pumpkin Patch?

No, No you stay seated i'll be back in a dash

Please won't you stay seated the night is not yet through,

I have many a spooky tale I wish to share with you...........

I met a wizened woman As I walked on the heath, She had an old black bonnet Her small eyes peeped beneath, Her garments were so shabby She couldn't have been rich,
She hobbled with a crutchstick, And I knew she was a Witch.

She peered at me so slyly It made my heart feel queer, She mumbled as she passed me, But what couldn't hear. I smiled at her for answer And wished her a good day She nodded and she chuckled And she hobbled on her way.

And so I got home safely. I didn't drop the eggs, My nose had grown no longer, My legs were still my legs, I didn't lose my penny 0rtumble in a ditch - So mind you smile and say 'Good Day' When you meet a witch.


This halloween party is almost over, the candles are growing dim,

All the ghouls are leaving,

But oh, there's just one more thing.............

I wish you all a very safe and Happy Halloween............

'Best Witches'

Priscilla xxx


The Fairy Godmother said...

Happy Halloween to you.

A Novelist said...

Happy Halloween! :)

Felicia said...

Excellent decorations! Happy Halloween :)

M.E. said...

Thanks for sharing your decorations! Fun to see, loved them! Happy Halloween!

Susan said...

Happy Halloween!

Ursula Shaw said...

Great Halloween decorations and that cake looks yummy!

Sandra Evertson said...

Happy Halloween!
Sandra Evertson

pamelahuntington said...

Your house looks like the
perfect Halloween cottage...
and that cake - to Die for!
Happy Halloween

Scrappy Moments said...

Beautiful Decoarations & The Cake Looks Divine :)

Happy Halloween


eb said...

loved it - thank you so much - come and visit my little witches - BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 U

xox - eb.

Linda said...

What a fun time I had. The cake was delish, loved all your decorations...especially your fireplace setting. Thank you for such a nice evening. Happy Halloween to you too. Hugs Linda

vivian said...

trick or treat! loved my visit at your place! happy halloween! hope to see you at my blog!

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

the cake was great...cute witch...have we danced yet...hope you're having a ghoulish day...blessings, rebecca

Sherry said...

I love your decorations..and the beautiful cake. The poem was excellent!! Thank you for having me!!

Happy Halloween!

Birdie said...

Trick or treat!

Leslie said...

Look at the lovely festive place you live int! So wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

BittersweetPunkin said...

What a wonderful post...I enjoyed the rhyme....that cake looks wonderful! Was it pumpkin or spice?? Yummy!
Happy Halloween to YOU!

Julie said...

Love your photos and all your Halloweeny stuff. Looks like you had a great night. x

Carole Burant said...

Happy Halloween to you too:-) I ran out of time to visit everyone at the Ball last night so I'm continuing to party this morning! hehe I so love all your Halloween decorations and that cake was simply delicious:-) xo

Back Through Time said...

Your Halloween post is great! Thanks for stopping by and come back sometime:-) I will be back for sure!!Michelle

Sweet Remembrance said...

I had so much fun at your halloween cottage!
The cake was delish, thank you!
Til we meet again...

ohiofarmgirl said...

What a party you must have had...looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing! Dianntha

Anonymous said...

Loved your post. I know I am late. Still trying to get to everyones party. Hope you had a Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...


Oh I missed the party. Loved visiting tonight though. The cake looks delicious, and the fireplace and decorations just devine!

Debbie from NJ

Anonymous said...

Priscilla ~ This is a great Halloween post! Happy belated!

Paul-ene said... all your fun Halloween Decor and wanna peice of that cake too. THanks for sharing your HAlloween Fun with us.

Jo Anne O. said...

What a great blog! Sorry to have missed you on took a long time to get through to everyone! Hope you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I love all your decorations!!! Sad that Halloween is over. I really liked the poem, and all of your great decorations (that book looks fun too).


Kimberley said...

What a fun post! I liked seeing all of your decorations, and especially like the vintage-y picture of the girl reading the spooky books :)

Thanks so much for visiting me at Tallulah House!

Belated happy Halloween,

Kelli said...

What a wonderful Halloween post! All of your decorations are just lovely!

Laume said...

I'm not really much of a cake person but that pumpkin cake looks good. Do you have a cuppa tea to go with it? Milk? Sugar? Thanks.

And now I really must be off. But I'll be back to visit again. It was nice to meetcha.

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hello! So nice to meet you! Lovely Halloween decor! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...
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