Saturday 24 May 2008

Garden Centre and Enjoying the Sunshine...

Hi everyone I hope you are all well and I want to say thank you for all your sweet comments on the driving test and my hair! I think ill keep it like this from now on.
We have been enjoying some wonderful warm weather these past few weeks, so much in fact we made the most of it and visited our local garden centre, I love to visit this place there is so much eye candy to drool over, mum and I went last week, not to really buy anything just to browse and enjoy the day out........

Its only 15 Min's from where we live, it has a nice range of gifts for the home, candles, bath products and accessories.

Isn't this display so cute? I was very tempted with the hat boxes, I have been looking around at a few lately.

I just had to take a photo of this display! There were so many things I could of brought home with me...... Mum treated herself to some candles from just around the corner from this display they were not Yankee Candles! Which is our first choice, but from the 'colonial' range, mum bought Mango.

They also sell gorgeous homemade jams and curds, which we have enjoyed in the past! I just love the little jars. We love the fact they also sell old fashioned boiled sweets like rhubarb and custard, pear drops, and humbugs!

We took a wonder around the 'garden' section too, mum was looking for a garden hoe and I was after a good broom, an early (Halloween Witches Broom) we didn't get either, but I came away with some 'baby bear' pumpkin seeds, (I am getting into Halloween early!) and scrumptious fudge, mum also bought some pansies for her garden.

I also bought some long needed paint brushes from the craft section, as I am hoping to paint something soon, they were even on offer how could I resist! another thing added to my 'to do' list.

We came home had a cup of tea and talked of our plans for the garden, the home, projects and ideas............. such a wonderful day.

I hope you enjoyed a visit around our garden centre and our time there, have a lovely week

Bye for now

Priscilla x


  1. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog - I love new people commenting, because I find such good places to go. Your blog looks so good. I love your cake making - a passion of mine. (And I'm envious of your cupcake picture: I'm wanting to post a cupcake blog but they keep going wrong!)
    Garden centre displays can be hugely inspirational. You have a good one near to you.
    I'll visit again. Caroline x

  2. OOOO, look at all of those jams!! What a wonderful place to go and spend time and get lost - and spend lots of money!!!


  3. The displays are so beautiful...I love store like that. Dianntha

  4. I love visiting the garden centre.. esp at Christmas time!

    Victoria x

  5. I enjoyed reading about YOUR visit to your local garden center.. I too spent time at mine! It is lovely this time of year.. didn't take any photos though.. I just planted some teddy bear sunflowers.. can't wait for them to pop their little heads up.
    Love all the shabby chic looking things.. I just put a "shabby chic" shelf up on my patio.. I must take a photo!

  6. Ooh...what a wonderful place to visit! Everything is so pretty and I love all the jars of jam!

  7. WOW!!!! What a beautiful array of jams. I could spend a fortune in there

  8. This is the neatest place, so many pretty things. I could do some serious spending here:). A very nice day indeed. Hello to all...hugs, Linda

    p.s. are humbugs candy....sounds very interesting, kind of Harry Potterish?

  9. Oh..I'm a hat box junkie...I buy them whenever they are on sale...they are good at hiding "stuff" they make great gift boxes!
