Sunday 11 May 2008

I am back! With lots of changes....

Hello wonderful blogging friends! Oh how I have missed you..........
Lots has happened in my time away, I am now a proud owner of a laptop! Hurray, I have wanted one for such a long time, technology changes so fast I was never sure when to jump in. I spent many hours trying to decide the best one for my needs, then I saw an offer at comet with everything I wanted................So now I have one and couldn't be happier, no more aching back or uncomfortable chairs! and hello favourite sofa! And its faster than the PC so I can visit you all quicker! ha,ha
its an acer Aspire 5920G
Now onto more good news................. I passed my driving test! On the 29th April. After many years of lessons then stopping, changing driver instructors, swapping from a manual to a automatic car, life getting in the way and two cancelled tests(they cancelled them) and 3 failed ones, I finally passed! I am now sharing my mums Toyota surf land rover type vehicle..........a bit of a change in size from the learners tiny corsa! But loving every minute........................... Soon I will be off round those car boots and antique shops, now I just need a map!

'Change is as good as a rest'

Who might this be? Me...... Yes I have had a hair cut, I used to wear my hair like this till I just let it grow and didn't notice how un-styled it was. So back to the cut I like and I hope suits are a few pics of me, I was playing with the camera, click click click, you know how it goes...................... or is that just me?

'Ray of Sunshine'

On the day of the driving test I was so nervous, but look what arrived in the post that very morning! A present for me, from my dear blogging friend Linda at 'Somewhere in Time'. I can not express how nice it was to receive this on that morning, a little ray of sunshine......... I can not wait to start on it and the subject matter is perfect, (the seeds are growing, ill update later). Thank you again my sweet friend xxxxx

Ill leave you now, as I go off and get a nice cup of tea and enjoy the lovely sunshine we are having here in the uk at the moment, I am currently listening to the soundtrack from the movie Practical magic, has anyone seen it? I saw it many year ago and recently re watched it........ the songs are wonderful and perfect for warm days like these...............
Bye for now,

Priscilla x


  1. What wonderful changes!! I am very proud of you! Nice pictures, you are very pretty! Have a lovely week.


  2. Congratulations on passing your driving test!! And the new laptop, I'm saving my pennies at the moment to buy myself one so i too can blog from the sofa... bed.... anywhere!

    Love Practical Magic, it's one of my fave films and the soundtrack is great! I've just finished reading the book actually and it was quite different from the film!

    Victoria x

  3. Hi Priscilla~ thank you for visiting my blog and nice to hear that you passed your driving test. That can be quite daunting -especially having had to retake it many times. Whoa whoa! Way to go and now you DO need to find those car boot sales!!

    I like your haircut! Mine is very similar and I find that it is very easy to take care of.

    So you know Linda? She is my friend, too, and we finally got to meet each other last month. She is a lovely lady and blessed me, too, with some sweet presents last Sunday. I really like the cross stitch that she sent to you, too. Do share when you are all done.

    Have a lovely day!!

  4. I adore you hair is so cute on you. Thanks for sharing that pic with us.
    Congrats on your driver's test. I bet it was scary but now the worst is over for you...look out antique shops! LOL Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Welcome back! Your haircut is so cute. I need to get mine back under control again, I'm long overdue for a trim!

    Congratulations on the driver's test! :)

  6. Hello,
    I found your blog through another.
    Congrats on your new laptop.
    Love the hair, and oh congrats on the driving.
    I have to tell you that Practical Magic is one of my favorites. I have the cd playing in my car. Love it.
    Visit me sometime,

  7. Hi Sweetie! Aren't you gorgeous!! It's so nice to SEE you!!
    Congrats on getting your license!!! I am trying to talk my Hubby into getting me a laptop kids are sharing a computer and I use it whenever they aren't on it....

    Hugs to you!

  8. I enjoyed your blog. Glad you have passed your test.. found you via homespun living.

  9. Oh, you look so cute! I love your new style.

    Congrats on passing your driving test...just the idea sends me in a spin. My renewal is in July and I hope I don't have to take the test. When I first applied for my license I failed the parking and started to cry..second time I did pass. Thank goodmess. You are going to have fun at the boot sales...I hope you share any treasures you find.

    I know I saw Practical Magic, but can't remember the story or recall the music...I'm going to have to hunt up the soundtrack and give it a listen.

    Love your computer. It's going to be a joy to use.

    Hugs and hello to your mum and day. Happy stitching, my sweet friend, Linda xoxo

  10. Love your laptop. Hope all is well and you are enjoying spring.

  11. Congratulations on the driving test and the new laptop! The haircut is very cute!

  12. Hi Priscilla! Thanks so much for visiting! Im really enjoying your blog as well!!!!!

  13. How exciting to have a new laptop, Priscilla! Congratulation on getting your license and I love your new haircut, too!
    P.s. I didn't put the rose petals in the oven, the garage was hot enough! LOL

  14. Congrats! A new laptop would be divine! Nice blog look...very pretty!

  15. Hi Prisilla

    Congratulations on passing your driving test ~ you will love the sense of freedom and independence now that you can go out alone.

    That needlework project looks interesting ~ I look forward to seeing the end result.

    Marie x

  16. Are you loving being able to drive about, have you traveled to any boot sales since getting your license?
    A happy weekend to you. Give a hello to your mum and dad. Hugs, Linda

  17. Oh, I love your hair!!! It is so chic!! And Congratulations on passing your drivers' test!! Just imagine the places you'll go!! And thanks for all the eye candy!! All the photos were divine!! I want to like in between the jam jars!! lol
