Tuesday 3 June 2008

'The Good Old Days' Shortbread......

' The Good Old Days'......... An Edwardian Music Hall. That is the name of the production I have just taken part in, a lively show full of old songs such as Daisy Daisy, Beside the seaside, Alice Blue Gown, and many many more!
Before a production everyone gets asked to contribute to the raffle prizes, since a lot of the money raised really adds up when there are 'good' prizes (wine,chocolate) I try to come up with some different ideas, I have been trying out some recipes for Shortbread, and found one I really like, I decided to make some 'Home made shortbread from the Good old Days' and that is what I printed on the tag!
The first batch I tried the week before the production....... well I had to make sure they were just right! My family decided they were and 'hadn't I better make another batch to make sure'? They were all gone before the evening was out!

This recipe makes the most delicate not too sweet, addictive shortbread! Here is the recipe


250g (9oz) Plain Flour
75g (3oz) Sugar
175g (6oz) Butter

Heat oven to 160 C - 325 F Gas 3, Line a baking tray
1. Beat sugar and butter until fluffy
2. Sift small amount of flour into the butter/sugar and mix slowly by mixer or by hand until incorporated (don't over beat).
3. Keep adding flour in sections and mixing on slow until all flour is incorporated and Dough is formed
4. Knead lightly onto a floured surface.

5. Roll out and cut using cutters or shape into squares, or just take small round of dough and flatten with hands! This dough is easy to shape and looks attractive many ways!

6. Bake for around 20 Min's or until light golden around the edges
Note: Do not use margarine for this recipe, it does not turn out at all like shortbread!

If you try it let me know, I do love the taste and texture of these biscuits........

The Music Hall was a joy to take part in,I have some photos which I'll post another time, and more about the show. I even got to sing again! Alice Blue Gown....... oh yes and a young girl got my biscuits I heard, so I hope she enjoyed them.

What a week, all that baking has me searching for more recipes, all the old baking books are out again and I just love reading them before bed, does anyone else read cook books like a novel? The only trouble is I want to eat something afterwards! ha,ha
See you again soon

Priscilla x


  1. Oh my, Shortbreads are one of my favorite cookies! Your cookies look so yummy and I'm copying this recipe for sure. I generally make Shortbread cookies during the holidays....and end up eating most of them myself:).

    I was wonderering if you were in any production....this sounds like something I'd love. I remember the old songs...they are so pretty and just make you want to burst out singing. Have a happy week...hugs, Linda

    p.s. I also enjoy reading cookbooks and they make me hungry too....in fact I'm wishing for a shortbread this very moment:). L

  2. Hi, Ronda here.
    (from - A peachy Keen Life-
    rondaspeachykeenlife.blogspot.com)What a lovely blog you have.!
    Thanks for sharing your recipe, I am going to give it a try.

    Love & Prayers,

  3. Your shortbread looks delish!
    I am enjoying a wonderful cookbook right now.. Artisan Bread in Five minutes a day. Course you wouldn't need it over there with all that lovely bread you get fresh each day at the bakers!! I am jealous!

  4. Hi Priscilla!

    Your shortbread looks yummy I must give that a try!

    Thanks for stopping by & complimenting me on my friends baby shower!

    You're so right about Halloween and that's my favourite celebration - my sister in law has even asked for a Halloween themed baby shower!!!

    And you're right the baby powder candles do smell great!

    Victoria xx

  5. Have you read the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks? They are so wonderful. Your cookies look so good..I have a difficult time making cut out cookies. Dianntha

  6. Hello Priscilla!

    I LOVE shortbread cookies to and yours are perfect! Thanks for the recipe! Love your blog! May I add you to my favorites?! Thanks for coming by and visiting my front porch! A pleasure to meet you and from England, how wonderful!


  7. Hi Priscilla!

    What a great fund raiser. I have performed in our local theatre just once, two years ago, for the play "Steel Magnolias." What a fun experience!

    Thank you for stopping by my porch party display and leaving nice comments.

    Your blog is very nice!


  8. Hi Priscilla,
    Thank you for your visit...it lead me right back to you...love your blog and the little stores you and you mom went to visit. I love the shabby chic look but I also love the victorian look as well....Your cookies look sooooo yummy.
    I will be back to visit again...
    Mo :-)

  9. Hi Priscilla,
    So nice of you to drop by my blog. Wow those cookies look so good. I'll have to give your recipe a try. I wonder how the weather is now in England?
    I live in California, and it is quite foggy out, because I'm near the beach. Take care, and have a great day.

  10. Oh..that looks absolutely yummy and would go great with my coffee!! I love shortbread..

    Thanks for the recipe!

  11. Hi Priscilla,

    I love shortbread and these look delicious!

    I remember The Good Old Days on t.v. when I was young. It was a special treat being allowed to stay up and watch it.

    I've just bought Nigella Express and I can't resist sitting there browsing through the recipes and looking at the photos. I really enjoy cookbooks.

    Marie x
