Sunday 25 December 2011

Happy Christmas 2011 !!!

Happy Christmas everyone!!

I hope you all have a lovely day and santa brings you much peace and happiness!

I am off to see my parents and grandma later today, it was my grandmas 80th birthday on the 23rd and I made her this cake....

Enjoy the day! eat lots,laugh lots and spread the joy!!! See you all in 2012

Priscilla xxx

Monday 28 November 2011

The Crucible Play

Hi Everyone,
                      Well it is all over and what a fantastic time we all had!!! I am sad to see it end but we have some great photos from the show. We staged the play on the floor so we could be near to the audience.It simple set but most affective I think. Hope you enjoy the photos, I am Elizabeth Proctor in the brown dress, John proctor is in the cream shirt, Rev hale,Abigail and Mary Warren. If you do not know the story to the Crucible I recommend you read it or watch the movie.Such a powerful story based on real events on the Salem Witch trials of 1692.
Here I am as Elizabeth Proctor.I loved the costume!!
John Proctor,Elizabeth and Rev Hale. Hale had come to question the proctors about Witchcraft in their house. Elizabeth is accused.
John and Elizabeth arguing before Hale arrives at the door.
Elizabeth hands the poppet over to the court. The poppet is the reason Elizabeth is taken to the jail. Although it belongs Mary Warren....
Rev Hale telling us I am accused of Witchcraft. He asks us lots of questions about our beliefs.
 Elizabeth telling John Abigail wants her dead so she can replace Elizabeth in their marriage!
 Act 1. The afflicted girls, Betty and Rebbecca Nurse comforting the screaming child.
Rev Hale tells Tituba to confess to witchcraft and go back to god. Abigail is in the yellow dress,she had an affair with my husband!

John rips up the warrant for Elizabeth's arrest!!
In the rehearsal room. There were 20 members of cast in this play,not everyone was there for this photo. We had a fantastic time and I cant wait to do another with this group!!! Hope you enjoyed the photos. These are taken from Act 1 and 2. If I can get hold of act 3 and 4 I will post those too....

See you all again soon Priscilla xx

Saturday 19 November 2011

Reading and Crafting

Hi Everyone,                             I am just popping in before the madness of the Crucible begins.We are rehearsing from 12.00pm to around 5.00pm tomorrow! Then costume run on Monday and again on Tuesday, for the show to start from Wed to Sat! I will be very sad to see the end of this play. I have met some great new people in the new group and I love the play. Here's hoping I am in the next one!

RosebushBetween rehearsals I have been making more Fimo creations and trying to get back into reading a good book. I love to read, but don't seem to have had as much time lately. I picked up a YA book from the library that I had on wish list in Jan! Its called Rosebush.

Remember these little characters?  Mr men and Little Miss
Mr Bump, Mr Tickle, Mr Messy, Mr Happy,Little Miss Stubborn,Little Miss Sunshine,Little  Miss Naughty,Little Miss Neat,Mr Chatterbox,Mr Square
If you know anybody who would like any charms they are £1.05 each.

I hope you are all having a great weekend. I will keep you updated with the show. Bye for now Priscilla xx

Sunday 30 October 2011

Happy Halloween!! and the Crucible Play

Hello everyone!
                               I hope you are all well. Its that time of year again! Halloween. It has crept up on me this year and the weather has been so mild in the UK it hasn't felt like Autumn. What are you all up too this year? Carved any pumpkins?  I am hoping to carve a pumpkin tonight and go to my local pub tomorrow with a friend, they are having a bit of a do in there and I have never been before so should be interesting.

Although I havnt been prepared for Halloween, I have been feeling very WITCHY!! back in August I joined a new Drama group and they were casting the Crucible by Arthur Miller. Well as most of my regular readers know I love all things Halloween and Witchy so I had to join.!!  I am happy to say I got the part of Elizabeth Proctor and the rehearsals are going great!
Elizabeth and John Proctor
We had photos taken for the newspaper the other day I cant wait to see them, I will post photos and links when I get them. The show is on the 23-26th November. This is one of my favourite plays, and the movie with Winona Ryder is amazing if you havnt seen it I recommend it!

Doing this play has reminded me just how much I want to visit Salem Ma, I would love to go the the place where all the history happened and it looks amazing.

I will say goodbye for now! Happy Halloween !!!
Priscilla xx

Sunday 25 September 2011

Halloween!!! and craft room!

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Tuesday 16 August 2011

Craft fair! and Halloween miniatures

Hello everyone,
           Just letting you all know I am still here. Settling nicely into my new home,still some things to un-pack and some furniture to get,but enjoying the new home immensely!
I have been crazy busy this last few week, I am getting ready for a craft fair selling my fimo items!!!! Very exciting, and unexpected. I went into my chip shop and read a flyer for a craft fair in a local village hall on the 21st Aug. I rang the lady and she had space for me,as long as I don't sell my items as jewellery! As they already have 2 jewellery tables. So I am taking bookmarks,keyrings,phone charms and fairy doors! and anything else I can make in time  
The cake has witches hats and candy corn around the sides around 2cm wide
I have also been working on a order for Halloween miniatures for a dolls house. A lady contacted me and asked if I could make her some items and I jumped at the chance! I love Halloween, the colours,such a magical night. I find a lot of inspiration for this season, now ask me to think for summer and its not as easy lol. With this in mind I came up with some ideas for her and she chose:
 Halloween cake
Skull and bones
Witches Hat
3 Pumpkins
Pumpkin Pie
Potion bottles
Stack of old books
and 3 tombstones!
Tombstones are around 1.5 inch tall. Handmade from Fimo.Ghost,Roses,Skull details
I had a great time making these, making miniatures is something I have wanted to do for a while, dolls houses have always fascinated me. I think if I had one, it would a Halloween house! or a autumn themed house, heck why not a autumn street lol   I love making food, pies cakes anything.Pumpkin Pie came to mind...
          Pumpkin pie! Oh I cant wait for October lol
Witches hat Harry Potter style. I added the face like the sorting hat. I may change this to black if the lady would prefer a black hat.

Thats what I have been up too! I will have lots more posts once the craft fair is over and photos too. It is the first craft fair I have ever done so a little nervous,not knowing how much to take and trying to suit all themes!  There are 19 tables in all. We are just hoping someone turns up! If all goes well there will be another one in December, so cross fingers.

Well I am going to carry on putting my Harry potter bookmarks together! A part of the collection I am taking to the fair. Talk soon
Priscilla x

Sunday 24 July 2011

Moving In to the New House!!

Hi Everyone!
 I thought I would update you on the house move. I have the keys and have started moving boxes into the bungalow. Oh the joys! lol. Isn't it funny how much you gain over 4 years, I have cleared out some things but have lots to sort through when I finally move in! I have a week left in my old house to finish moving.
I took some photos before I started unloading all my things. It may take me a while to find a place for everything but I have much more storage so I am looking forward to the process!

This is the living room, it is larger than my last one and brighter too, I have been looking at colour schemes and decorating ideas. I love the fact that it is a blank canvas...

Here are a few photos.. living room
Second Bedroom - Which will be used as my craft room! I have many ideas for this room too. The other side of the room will have  a work table and craft storage.
Fitted wardrobes. Which is great for the craft room! I think I may put my lap-top in the space...
The doors open to the back garden which I think is a great addition to the room.

The kitchen - When I arrived at the house on Sat 23rd July I was pleasantly greeted with a welcome card and a yellow potted rose from the landlady, really made me smile and such a lovely gesture!

I cant wait to make this house a home. Today I am going to my old house to sort out more of my belongings. I have been staying at my parents while my old house is turned inside out. My current landlady has organised for an estate agent to come take photos of the house tomorrow, so she can let it out as soon as I leave, and she wants it tidy! I think this is a bit silly (putting it mildly) as I have a week left to move out and at the moment as you would expect the house is in no fit state to photograph! Boxes everywhere and the cabinets that wont fit into the car have been taken apart so are currently in my living room!  Why she couldn't wait until I leave like she has done with her other tennants ( my neighbours) I will never know!
I adore this living room. I love the blues in the photo. I would like to incorporate these colours and ideas into my own living room. So pretty! and maybe throw in a few bright colours too.... and some crochet cushions lol

See you soon Priscilla x

Thursday 14 July 2011

New House!!

Hello everyone!
              I just wanted to stop by and let you all know the good news! I was chosen to rent the house that I was looking at. Even though it had  a rocky start  to begin with, I am really happy to be moving! One of the main reasons I am moving is to have a little more privacy and a second bedroom. I cant wait to sit out in the garden and plant flowers and just relax, my last garden was very open and communal so it will be a nice change!

I will be turning the second bedroom into  a craft room! So keep an eye out for lots of room makeover photos, as I  hope to show how it is coming along!

I am getting the keys on the 23rd July! I will show more photos then. I have all these ideas for how I would like to decorate swirling around my head! lol

Hope you are all well and talk soon
Priscilla x

Thursday 30 June 2011

BATMAN!! Crafting a Batmobile...

Hello everyone, thank you for the support on the new home hunting! I will let you know how it all turns out...
Why I am I talking about batman you may ask??? Well I had a request from a lady to make a Fimo Batmobile from the 1989 move! Her husband is fond of the 1989 version of the car, and she wanted me to make a cake topper as as surprise for his 40th birthday.

I love a challenge and am always interested in making new items. I began looking at photos of the car to get all the details and the overall shape. Even You-Tube provided some good clips and would you believe people are even selling replicas of the car that you can drive!?

Here are some photos of the car, it is around 14cm in length. Made completely from fimo and handmade by me.
I tried to get the detail,it is hard to see in the photos but there are markings where the guns are etc lol

and one more photo of the back of the batmobile...

Here is a You tube video of the car and movie, I used this as inspiration!!! I havnt watched the movie, but I now love this car!
Here is a plastic model of the car, this one is gray,but the car is black and I wanted it to be true to the movie.
Hope you enjoyed this little trip down Batman memory lane....
See you again soon Priscilla xx

Saturday 25 June 2011

House hunting....More changes!

House Hunting!!!
Hi everyone,
      I thought I would stop by and mention even more changes that are happening at Priscilla's Cottage. As some of you know I moved into this house around the time I started blogging 4 year ago! It was my first home and I have enjoyed living there. I have been thinking about moving for lots of reasons mainly just outgrowing where I am,but this week some things happened with neighbours, totally out of the blue, which have upset me and I am now eager and ready to move. I wont go into it,but it has made me finally be sure I would like to move and try somewhere new!

Is there something in the air? This week is a strange one.
So I am house hunting! I am still looking in my local area and I am quite excited. I have been to see a house I like and there is a little story I would like to share I will warn you now it is quite unbelievable and I am thinking there must be something in the air at the moment. Is there a planetary strangeness going on that I don't know about? any way here we go.....

I went to see a house I like, the estate agent I met couldn't tell me if it was long lease or not. I told him I wanted the house,he said he would ring to let me know about lease in the morning. As I was leaving another couple were coming to see the house. I rang the estate agent next morning, as he didn't ring me..... Just to be told the other couple wanted it too and have put an application in that morning and he is just waiting to hear if the landlady has accepted them!!!! I was not told about any forms and couldn't do anything until he rang me. I have been cheated out of my  perfect house! I have put forward a application anyway but don't have much hope as he has totally jumped over me, I am thinking he knew the couple....

I think something must be in the air this week as all sorts of strangeness has happened lol.... Do you ever get weeks like that?

But I am staying positive and looking forward to moving and all the changes that are on the cards at the moment. Who knows what 2011-2012 will bring!

 To stay hopeful I am looking at inspiring photos like this.  Just beautiful.
A garden is one of the reasons I cant wait to move, to create  a cottage garden is a dream of mine and to decorate like something in this photo below... ;)
I can  until next time I will say goodbye for now
Priscilla x