Sunday 30 October 2011

Happy Halloween!! and the Crucible Play

Hello everyone!
                               I hope you are all well. Its that time of year again! Halloween. It has crept up on me this year and the weather has been so mild in the UK it hasn't felt like Autumn. What are you all up too this year? Carved any pumpkins?  I am hoping to carve a pumpkin tonight and go to my local pub tomorrow with a friend, they are having a bit of a do in there and I have never been before so should be interesting.

Although I havnt been prepared for Halloween, I have been feeling very WITCHY!! back in August I joined a new Drama group and they were casting the Crucible by Arthur Miller. Well as most of my regular readers know I love all things Halloween and Witchy so I had to join.!!  I am happy to say I got the part of Elizabeth Proctor and the rehearsals are going great!
Elizabeth and John Proctor
We had photos taken for the newspaper the other day I cant wait to see them, I will post photos and links when I get them. The show is on the 23-26th November. This is one of my favourite plays, and the movie with Winona Ryder is amazing if you havnt seen it I recommend it!

Doing this play has reminded me just how much I want to visit Salem Ma, I would love to go the the place where all the history happened and it looks amazing.

I will say goodbye for now! Happy Halloween !!!
Priscilla xx


  1. I studied The Crucible for my A levels and there the love affair began! (Thank you Mrs.Greene!) I could not believe the Daniel Day Lewis film version it is exactly what I imagined when I first read the play, utterly brilliant, it's not often you can say the film is as good as the book! Although I do sob uncontrollably from the minute the old guy says, "more weight"

  2. Happy Halloween to you too Lisa !!! Its to far for me otherwise I would have come to see the play :-) Can't remember this movie so I have to check that one. I LOVE your photo with the witch hat !!

  3. This brings back memories! I had to do this book for literature for my O-levels!! Interesting story! :)

  4. Break a leg! Hope that the Crucible is a huge success and I look forward to seeing the photos.

    Marie x
