Saturday 25 June 2011

House hunting....More changes!

House Hunting!!!
Hi everyone,
      I thought I would stop by and mention even more changes that are happening at Priscilla's Cottage. As some of you know I moved into this house around the time I started blogging 4 year ago! It was my first home and I have enjoyed living there. I have been thinking about moving for lots of reasons mainly just outgrowing where I am,but this week some things happened with neighbours, totally out of the blue, which have upset me and I am now eager and ready to move. I wont go into it,but it has made me finally be sure I would like to move and try somewhere new!

Is there something in the air? This week is a strange one.
So I am house hunting! I am still looking in my local area and I am quite excited. I have been to see a house I like and there is a little story I would like to share I will warn you now it is quite unbelievable and I am thinking there must be something in the air at the moment. Is there a planetary strangeness going on that I don't know about? any way here we go.....

I went to see a house I like, the estate agent I met couldn't tell me if it was long lease or not. I told him I wanted the house,he said he would ring to let me know about lease in the morning. As I was leaving another couple were coming to see the house. I rang the estate agent next morning, as he didn't ring me..... Just to be told the other couple wanted it too and have put an application in that morning and he is just waiting to hear if the landlady has accepted them!!!! I was not told about any forms and couldn't do anything until he rang me. I have been cheated out of my  perfect house! I have put forward a application anyway but don't have much hope as he has totally jumped over me, I am thinking he knew the couple....

I think something must be in the air this week as all sorts of strangeness has happened lol.... Do you ever get weeks like that?

But I am staying positive and looking forward to moving and all the changes that are on the cards at the moment. Who knows what 2011-2012 will bring!

 To stay hopeful I am looking at inspiring photos like this.  Just beautiful.
A garden is one of the reasons I cant wait to move, to create  a cottage garden is a dream of mine and to decorate like something in this photo below... ;)
I can  until next time I will say goodbye for now
Priscilla x


  1. Oh what a shame about the perfect house... but if your application isn't successful it obviously means theres another perfect house waiting for you!!

    Victoria xx

  2. Oh... I hope you find your dream house, just keep looking and the one you went too .... that is NOT the one for you even that you liked it. The right house will come to you, just wait and see.
    Yes a cottage garden is so lovely, I can't imagine a house without a garden, i love to work in the garden with my hands in the dirt LOL
    I keep my fingers crossed that your dream house soon will come into the picture :-)

  3. Sorry to read about the house, but hopefully, you will find something even better.

    That estate agent sounds like our landlord. We are moving at the end of the month and he has been letting people view our house. His approach is 'wait and see' so even when perfectly respectable people say that they really want it, he continues to let other people look and keeps everyone waiting for his decision about who he will rent to...he did the same to us!

    Marie x
