Wednesday 3 June 2009

Books and Halloween Stitching...

Hi Everyone, The weather has been quite hot here in the uk for the last couple of weeks, and I have been out in the garden and doing a lot of reading and working on some long ago started cross stitch. You may remember the pile of books I had planned to read? well I took my time and have just finished the last on the list Hubble Bubble -Christina Jones

A very light, feel good book, with magical recipes (but do not get this book expecting to re-create the recipes, some of the ingredients are poisonous!) great characters and romance. I must admit I am not always a huge fan of romance themed books, but with the magical twist it was more enjoyable. This author creates a wonderful cozy village and a set of unusual kooky characters! I do think her second book Seeing Stars is a better read though and a much better story, but I say give them a try if you see them......
Hubble Bubble
Seeing Stars

Like I say I have also been doing some stitching on a project I started a while ago, Witchie Renabest by twisted threads.I am currently working on the back stitching, and hope to make it into a pillow for halloween. To share my love of Halloween and stitching Autumn themed pieces I joined a Halloween SAL, its great to see others work, and meet other people with a love for Halloween stitching, take a look here at Spooky Stitchers Sal

What I am reading now....
I have just started reading The Heretic's daughter - Kathleen kent. I have always been interested in the history of the Salem Witch trials, and this book is fiction set around that time. Kathleen Kent is a tenth generation descendant of Martha Carrier, a character within the book. So I hope it will be a good read!
Check out more info and video clip at Barnes and Noble...The Heretic's Daughter

Well I will leave you all for now, in a couple of hour I am off to our church hall to help my drama company in the first night of their play. I am not in this one, but will be taking part in a one night 'Murder Mystery Evening' Next Saturday!

Talk again soon
Priscilla x


  1. What a cute stitchie...the Halloween SAL sounds like great fun. We've been doing the same thing, reading and stitching...two thing I love.
    Next Saturday's play sounds like it will be fun...I hope you share some pictures...hugs, Linda

  2. Hi there, I too love halloween cross stitch, have you seen the designs by Waxing Moon? They're fab!!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished piece!
    BH x

  3. I really like your Halloween cross stitch but then I LOVE anything Halloween

    Victoria xx

  4. I love anything about the Salem trials...and all the books you show look right up my alley!
    I'm writing down those titles...are they English authors?

  5. Do you follow Penniwig's site at all?
    I think you'd like her a lot.
    Also, Chatty Chrone.

  6. Good evening Priscilla. I have been so busy today. It's hot here in Atlanta, GA too right now.

    Went to see the movie Night In The Museum. It was great.

    Anyway thanks for visiting my blog today. I have never blogged with someone from England! Of course I'm a travel bug and would love to visit there.

    Yes, I am an avid reader of The Secret.

    I'm trying to find it (lol)! I work hard on being positive and thinking positive thoughts.

    I feel you're a positive thinker too. Right?

    CorgiDogMama - I met her. She is nothing but awesome!!!!!!!

  7. Oh my Halloween already!
