Wednesday 6 May 2009

Back from Luxor Egypt!!

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well! I missed you all!! We had a wonderful two week away, in the first week the weather reached 38 c, which is hotter than Ive ever known it!!!

This is the front of our Hotel , luxor street have lights everywhere! Enlarge any images for a closer look, below is the view from our balcony to the Nile and the Valley of the Kings.....

Balloon rides....4.30 am the balloons take off, we were up early most mornings to beat he heat, the temp reached 30 C by 9.00am !! This is the hottest year we have known....

Here are a few more photos , we have been to the same hotel for 6 year and in that time made quite a few Egyptian friends, our horse and carriage driver is called Salah, he always invites us for a meal and to meet his family, hope you enjoy the photos! Below is a photo of Bartta, Mum, me and their son Shazlaey.

Here is the meal Bartta made, Chicken, mint salad, home made bread, rice, true Egyptian food....

Salah and his sons and my Dad....

Dendera Temple Ceiling - We took a trip to the temple, the engravings were amazing, a lot of the blue paint still remains..... I love this photo my mum took!

Luxor street....... this is the scene around most of luxor, old buildings, people, donkeys and daily life, it is a relaxing place to visit and hasn't changed over time, we love it there, I hope you have enjoyed viewing a snapshot of our holiday, there is so much to show and tell I could make this post very long!!! ha,ha I may add some more photos in another post,

See you all again soon

Priscilla x


  1. Looks like a great trip...I was wonderfing where you were> LOL Dianntha

  2. OH I really enjoyed your photos and post, thank you for sharing! I had no idea the nature of Luxor and just thought it was some sort of fake resort! But you have really gotten close to the people and the way of life there. The photos of you and Salah's family are very touching.

    PLEASE post more photos and more writings about your trip if you get a chance! I doubt I will ever get to go and this is just fascinating to read and view.

  3. Love your photos Priscilla! I am glad you had a wonderful time...sounds like it was a wonderful opportunity for you to go! I have NEVER been outside of the US...ever!

  4. Looks fantastic and such an experience befriending the locals and enjoying a typical meal.

    Victoria x

  5. I'm utterly envious of your trip to Egypt! What a wonderful experience. I loved your photos-thx for sharing and I'm glad you had a great time! :)

  6. Priscilla, I loved all your pictures..what a wonderful trip! The view from your hotel room is awesome...I'd love to just sit and enjoy the Nile. I loved the photos with Salah and his family and what a lovely meal Bartta prepared...what happy memories you have of your trip. I hope you do post more pictures...hugs, Linda

  7. Hi Priscilla....I see you are in a SAL..what fun. How is yours set up, are you all working on Halloween pieces? Is everyone doing the same thing? Have fun and enjoy your group....hello to your family...hugs, Linda

  8. How lovely to meet Salah's family and experience Egyptian hospitality. It looks like a wonderful holiday.

    Marie x
