Saturday 6 December 2008

Christmas Fair...'Guess the weight of the cake'

It's that time of year again....The Christmas fair at my local church. Two year ago I joined the church drama/theatre group, and last year was my first visit to the fair and helping them raise funds. Since I decorate cakes I made a cake for the 'Guess The Weight Of The Cake' , I enjoyed it so much I offered to help this year too. A friend always likes to bake the fruitcake, and I choose to do the decorating, she couldn't make it to the fair this year, but still made the cake....

The fair was on the 30 Nov and I spent the previous week doing the decorations.... I thought I would share with you how it turned out.

I also helped set up the day before, and what a day! Lots of goodies there to buy, I did treat myself to a book and bought my mum a cross stitch frame! And my dad got some D.I.Y books! ha,ha
Cookies for Santa..

A visit from Santa.. was my idea behind the cake. When as a child, you leave cookies or mince with pies a glass of milk and maybe a carrot for Rudolph. Santa hop's down the chimney reads your letter takes a bite and back up the chimney into the night.....

Straight away I had cookies in mind, and thought about using regular size cookie cutters.The thing is when I think of cake I always imagine the cake to be huge like 12inch! But of course the cake was a lot smaller 8 inch so my cookie cutters had to shrink!!

I managed to find tiny cutters and that is what I used. The decorations were cut out, iced with royal icing jut like regular cookies.(With a sprinkle of edible glitter on the snowflake) I decided to put them on a sugar plate and make a letter to reads

Dear Santa..

Enjoy the cookies!

Happy Christmas xxx

I added some sugar holly, and painted holly on the plate, I took the idea from last years Christmas cake and the porcelain is last years cake post ..

The Weight... I was so pleased with how well the cake did for the fair, there was just two of us and we were not pushy! ha,ha I asked a £1 a guess, and there was a choice of weights starting from 1 lb 1 oz to 9 lb 3 oz.

and we made....drum roll.... £ 43.00 !!! This is a good amount and we were so happy!! Last year at 50 p a guess we made around £25!!

The cake went to a lady who guessed just above the actual weight... 6 lb 4 oz

So that's it for this year, I look forward to making a cake again next year, but I am thinking we need to change the cake size or shape, as I am sure friends remember the weight of an 8 inch!

I hope you are all having a good week,

See you again soon
Priscilla x


  1. What a beautiful cake. You are so talented...and gifted and creative...and well...You could really make some money with your talent!!!! Dianntha

  2. What a fantastic cake! I love the idea you came up with and brilliant that you were able to raise so much money.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, Christmas with the Kranks is a great film... I will seek out the book!

    Victoria x

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog! And oh my, your cake is amazing. Honestly, it is one of the prettiest cakes I've seen!

  4. Oh, what a wonderful cake it is just beautiful! Congratulations on the money you raised..that is great. Hugs, Linda

  5. Happy Birthday Priscilla! Have the best day ever. Hugs, Linda

  6. Oh are just too make the most lovely cakes I have ever seen!

    Popping in to say Hello...I am dreadfully behind on my visits....
