Friday 21 November 2008

Book Trail...Author meet

Hi everyone well christmas is on its way! but before this blog takes on a fluffy warm glow of the season I just wanted to tell you about my meeting with a famous Author! It was quite a surprise and not really planned...a friend of mine had stumbled upon a book at our local library, and reserved one for me back in September. She loved the book, it is a young adult book which I usually enjoy and although there were parts in this I did not like I enjoyed it all the same.....It turns out the book was been encouraged to read in libraries all over Lancashire!

The Spooks Apprentice - My friend read the first 3 before I had finished the first....and told me all about the tale, and that the characters in the book reside in Lancashire...where I live. Although in the book they had used the old traditional place names...We decided to visit one of the places on the trail, and spent the day at Beacon Fell. The above photo is me..taken in the woods at beacon fell, it is a place many people visit, and spend the day enjoying nature...This was back in September... Since then we heard news from our local library that the Author of the Spook Series was going to visit us in October on Halloween! Well we were rather excited ha,ha never had we had anyone of such importance in our little country village!!

It just so happens he was arriving the day of my friends halloween party 31st, and I was helping preparing the decorations,food and such...since she lives just over the road from the library it was easy to pop across to meet the author!! Of course my friend went in her costume....and her boyfriend came with us, when we arrived I realised it was the book clubs Monthly read!

THE AUTHOR...Joseph Delaney. As we arrived he came to sit in the circle with the book club, and we three joined them! My friends had brought all their copies of the book for him to sign......which I hoped to use a postcard! Postcards all gone I grabbed a book mark! He stayed for a good 2 hour, taking questions hearing peoples thoughts, taking photographs, It was fantastic! Although I did not totally enjoy the book I did enjoy all the experience, and i got my book mark signed!!.... A great Halloween! He was a really nice guy....and since he still lives in the village next to me, very grounded.

and since there are witches in the story...he thought nothing of my friend dressed as a witch!

I know it is VERY VERy late for Halloween photos, but I wanted to show you the witchy costumes, since they are in keeping with this post! I am to the left, my friend jen who loves the book to the right

I hope you all enjoyed coming along the trail with me, and hearing about my surprise meeting!

Priscilla x


  1. I have not heard of this series. I'll look it up! Thanks!

    Happy weekend to you!

  2. How neat to meet the author. I'm not familiar with the series but it sounds like it would be a good read. Are you going to read the other two books?That is a wonderful shot in the woods...I love the way the light is playing off the trees. Speaking of pictures the three of you are most attractive witches....what fun you all must have had.
    Are you cooking for Thanksgiving? I'm's one of my most favorite times to cook....all the traditional dishes and pumpkin and mince pie for dessert...can hardly wait. Have a happy day and before you know it, it's going to be Christmas...I can't believe it. Can you...hugs, Linda

  3. What fun Priscilla! I love the costumes.

    Marie x
