Friday 17 August 2012

Blood Brothers.Grand Theatre Blackpool

Hello everyone,
                            I hope you are all well, over the last few months I have been having  a great time with a new theatre group, back in Jan we were asked if we would like to put on a play at a large theatre in Blackpool called The Grand Theatre! We were extremely happy to be offered this opportunity, our plays are usually performed at a smaller local theatre. The grand is an old building and many famous people have played here. We preformed the play in June at both the grand theatre and our smaller theatre!

Everyone took lots of photos to capture this unique experience, we also had a professional photographer!  I thought I would share the photos with you, we had such an amazing time, no one wanted it to end. I have collected flyer's, brochures, photos and memorabilia to remember this unique event.

Blood Brothers The Play. June 2012. I played the rich mother called Mrs Lyons, mother to Eddie. The play version has a different ending to the musical with a twist at the end. Mrs Lyons goes mad and kills her own son by accident and then turns the gun on Mickey, I played Mrs Lyons!

We took lots of backstage photos.I love this one, it captures the atmosphere in the girls changing room.

The grand also had a make-up artist come make us look older or younger! Although I did my own hair and make up for most scenes I did have a few lines added to make me look a little crazy and my hair was made to look dishevelled towards the end .ha,ha

The seating in the Grand is HUGE. We played here 2 nights and a matinee. We had around 300 people in each performance.
Can you see where the queen sits when some comes to visit? In the royal boxes at the side of the stage.

Mrs Johnston and the Milk man! ha,ha 'Are ya dancin'?

Here I am been turned into 'Loopy Lyons' which I was affectionately named!

'I wouldn't let him play with the kids up at that end Mrs Lyons'

Marilyn Monroe (also playing Lynda) and Mickey.
'Whats that mummy'?
 'over there'?
'Oh, those houses? that's the beginning of a council estate'.

'No,no don't look mummy, never look at one magpie, its one for sorrow'.
'Oh Edward that's just a silly superstition'.

Me! And our bear friend that travelled around the theatre and beyond!

I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the fun we had in this show. I have many more photos but this post would be far too long. I might share some of those at another time. The show was also filmed and we are looking forward to seeing that! Our next production is a radio play of 'Its a wonderful life' in November.

Bye for now Priscilla x


  1. What a wonderful photo's and a beautiful building you played in. I can see you enjoyed it very much, your looking great !!!!

  2. What a fantastic post. So nice to make your acquaintance Priscilla! I can't get over how gorgeous this old theatre is! I just love things like that! And the play looks swell too, how I'd love to be able to so see a play just like that, in a setting just like that! The costumes and make-up...the whole thing is just grand! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to experience it vicariously through your posting...thank you so much for sharing! :o)
    ~ Wendy

  3. Just coming to say Hello, hope you are ready for halloween :-)
