Sunday 1 April 2012

Job Hunting. Wish me Luck!

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Hello everyone, I am back with a rather different kind of post for me. I am entering the world of job hunting. Its been a while since I last worked full time. I have been off work for what seems like forever!

I am happy to say I finished my Childcare course level 2 at the Primary School. Unfortunately it doesn't look like they can keep me in a paid position, I always hoped they would but it was never a promise. The school only has 62 pupils! So not the biggest need for staff.

This leaves me now looking for work. I am looking for a teaching assistant role, but I am open to other things too.

Do you ever look at your life and think I would at some point like to do that,that,this oooohhh and that?!
I do all the time, I would like to fit as much into my life experience as possible. So I have decided to apply for any jobs that take my fancy and hope for the best!

Here is where I am going to have a little play with my ideal type of jobs.... play along if you would like to! lol. Not that these are available but I can hope can't I ?
Image Detail1. Today I applied for a Window Dressing job. Yes just like the movie, well in my imagination its like the movie!
2. To work as a librarian, I volunteer in  a library at the moment and would love to work in one full time! This is the lovely lady from the Mummy movies.ha,ha 

3. Perfect job number three.... oh how I would love to work in a Museum! I again worked voluntery in a maritme museum but something like this would be amazing wouldnt it?
4. An amazing theme park like this! Now I can not really work here as it is too far away. But imagine how much fun you could have?! Image Detail

Well thats my little voyage into my imagination! Wish me luck. Out of interest how did you all decide upon your chosen roles. Do you love it? Does another role call to you? I would love to hear about it

Bye for now Priscilla xx


  1. I always wanted to be a journalist but bad teaching let me done in that they decided I wouldn't get the grades needed so I did apply for the right course... I'm pleased to say I did get higher grades but never pursued journalism!!

    Victoria xx

  2. Oh of luck with the job search...I recently went back to work wishes!

  3. Good luck with the job hunting. I can't help you because I don't have a job and I don't want one LOL. I always been a home stay mom and now the kids are living on themself I have enough hobbies, so I don't have time to work hihihi ....
    But IF I wanted a job I would love to work in a library !!
