Thursday 27 January 2011

Fimo Cake Charms...Feeling Creative.

Hi Everyone,
I cant believe we are nearly at the end of January,where does the time go! Thank you for your great comments on the 2010 reads, I love hearing what you are all reading!

Between reading I have been doing a bit of crafting, I always feel more creative at the beginning of a new year, it feels like the year holds opportunity to create a whole new world! Anything is possible.... So I tend to begin more crafts!
I wanted to share a pendant I made for lady who ordered a charm from me. She loves cakes and asked if I could make her a two tier cake with pink roses. This is what I came up with, I sent it off to America and I am happy to say she is very happy with the charm. ;)
I am in the process of making a few more charms, I will share them another time. My grandma is still wearing the Chocolate log I made her for Christmas, so I promised I would make her a spring themed one!

I went to the library this week and came home with a few more books! Here is the book I am reading at the moment ...

I have only just started reading, but its very funny so far, a lot of talk about diet and resisting food..................... and there had been a murder...ooooh. lol. Hope its a good read. I'll let you know ...

Bye for now

Priscilla x


  1. Oh my gosh that cake charm you made is simply darling!!! I loooove it!!! Have you thought of opening an Etsy shop?!

    I know it is belated, but Happy New Year!!! xoxo

  2. Oh my gosh I am soooo behind!!! I just realized I mised several of your posts! :( And you do have an Etsy shop!!! Yayyyyy!!! Everything is so adorable and creative!!! xoxo

  3. We have just discovered your gorgeous cakes made of STAEDTLER FIMO!
    We'd love to meet you on our facebook fanpage - it would be lovely if you became a fan, too, and showed your artworks to all other FIMO fans on our page.

    Hope to meet you soon and best regards from STAEDTLER headquarters in Germany, Yvonne

  4. That is a wonderful cake charm you made !! That book looks realy nice to read.

  5. Hi
    Thanx for popping by and leaving a comment.

    I have looked in the library the last couple of times I visited, but there were no crochet books. There were lots of knitting ones but crochet must be the "in" thing at the moment!

    I will let you know when I find a user friendly tutorial!
    Take care

  6. Ahhhhhh, thanx for your lovely comments about my house piccies!

    I will be putting some more before and afters on soon! So watch this space!


  7. Hi
    Me again!
    Just been looking back at your older posts too.
    Wow, your creations - both the cakes and pendants etc - are beautiful!!
    I am very envious of your talent!

  8. Gorgeous pendant!

    Glad to hear your January reading is going well

    Victoria xx

  9. But Priscilla... it's W O N D E R F U L !!!!

  10. love that cake charm! It would make me want cake everyday :) I'm following from your post on the Etsy Forum, you can follow me back at if you want :)

  11. Your miniatures are so great I have become one of your followers. I also make miniatures. Please visit my blog. Http://
