Sunday 18 April 2010

Sunny Days..New Camera

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying lovely weather wherever you are. It has been really nice recently where I live.. I So I have been taking the opportunity to practice using a new Camera I have just bought from Cancer Research where I work.. It is a Sony Cybershot DSC H2. 12x Zoom . 6mp... Now I am not a professional photographer in any way but I do enjoy taking photos, so when I spotted the 12x zoom I thought that wasn't bad ! I brought it home to check all works and once I added rechargeable batteries it kept the charge.. So I am really pleased ! It even came with the bag,charger and extra lenses!

The camera has inspired my inner photographer... and I will use this camera to try out all the features and light etc... I have even ordered books from the library..ha,ha

I thought you might like to see some of the pics I took on a glorious weekend at my house

This little ducky wandered onto my back garden with his Mrs..and he really wanted his photo taken! I love the way the camera has picked up the colours on his feathers..

This is the view from my front door.. Early morn the sun was shining, birds singing..

Another willing subject ! This in my next door neighbour.. through the garden fence.. He just sat there looking at me whilst I told him I was taking his pic...I am sure he is even smiling ..;)

Back garden in the spring, next door has the goats..;) and chickens and horses...

From the front door.. Just watching the birds before I catch the bus to work.. Oh whats that I see ???

Look who was playing in the trees.. There are two squirrels that play on the phone line across from my house,I see them regularly, here he is on the neighbours tree .. Using the new zoom!

Mr and Mrs Sunbathing...

I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos I took with the new camera, I think I may be taking quite a few more ... Especially if I learn a few new tricks with exposure and other features that I know nothing about ! ha,ha

Have a good week, see you soon

Priscilla x


  1. Hi Priscilla
    You certainly have a home full of charm. Sorry for my bad english, but i'm bloging and i found your blog and it's absolutely beautiful.
    I have a camera too, and i love taking pictures of the small things of the day, the sun on the wall, the flowers at home, my's a pleasure!!!
    Good Luck. Bye Bye

  2. Oh my...I am voting for the duck...submit that to a nature magazine...I bet they take it!Dianntha

  3. Oh, Priscilla, your photos are AMAZING!!! And I love seeing little bits of your charming home area! I would so love to visit England one day. My husband and I have that on our lists of trips we must take soon!!! Can't wait to see more of what you capture through your camera lens.

  4. Priscilla, you found a great camera! Wonderful pictures and I love your country setting, what a pretty spot. I especially like the shot of your little neighbor and the sweet duckies having a sun bath. Enjoy and have fun with your new camera....hugs, Linda

  5. What lovely pictures, well done. How did you get on with the bedroom re do ??
