Saturday 16 January 2010

Feeding the birds..

Before the Snow........ At the beginning of January I thought our feathered friends might enjoy a few home made seed treats. Luckily I had made these before the uk turned into a snow and Ice zone! Most unusual for us.. Anyway here's what I was making..
Seed Treats...

I have seen some great seed treat recipes on the web, some with Peanut butter, Cranberries etc. which I cant wait to try out...but for these I used what I had in the cupboard
Seed, White Veg Fat, Bread.... I melted the white fat in a pan and added the shards of bread...then the seed..
Once all melted and combined I used a tart tray that I haven't actually used yet and I have had for a few year! So it came in perfect for the moulds for the seed treats!
I added a bit of string and left in the fridge overnight...I removed them by holding the tray over steam from the kettle for a few seconds.. I also used cling film in the moulds on my second try, both worked well.
Out of the moulds.. ready for the Birdies!

Robins seem to love them! I am happy with the way they turned out, I am going to try put the mix in a container next time or a 'orange' bag, as they eventually fall to the floor once they eat around the string! ha,ha.... Hope you enjoyed the pics...

Next time I do the weekly food shop I think Ill make a birdy food list too... Including Peanut butter?! How unusual! ...

Well I will go for now, See you again soon

Priscilla x


  1. I'm sure the birds appreciated your efforts!

    Victoria xx

  2. They look like amazing treats...we dont have any robins until spring now but lots of cardinals and blue jays. i am sure they would love them. Dianntha

  3. I love feeding the birdies and this is a great recipe. I have a huge feeder in the backyard but there are some naughty squirrels who love to visit it. They are fun to watch but don't leave much for our feathered friends...maybe something like your treats would work better.

    Have you started your decorating re-do? I'd love to help you, if only a bit closer I would:)...hugs, Linda

  4. What a nice recipe for the birdies! I had seen those with lard, but I'm happy to see one with vegetable shortening, which I always have on hand.

    The birds obviously love them!

  5. what a neat treat for the birds.

  6. I love that idea!! Thank you for posting. And to think I have been purchasing these when I could have just made them!
    A wonderful weekend to you.
