Saturday 16 January 2010

Feeding the birds..

Before the Snow........ At the beginning of January I thought our feathered friends might enjoy a few home made seed treats. Luckily I had made these before the uk turned into a snow and Ice zone! Most unusual for us.. Anyway here's what I was making..
Seed Treats...

I have seen some great seed treat recipes on the web, some with Peanut butter, Cranberries etc. which I cant wait to try out...but for these I used what I had in the cupboard
Seed, White Veg Fat, Bread.... I melted the white fat in a pan and added the shards of bread...then the seed..
Once all melted and combined I used a tart tray that I haven't actually used yet and I have had for a few year! So it came in perfect for the moulds for the seed treats!
I added a bit of string and left in the fridge overnight...I removed them by holding the tray over steam from the kettle for a few seconds.. I also used cling film in the moulds on my second try, both worked well.
Out of the moulds.. ready for the Birdies!

Robins seem to love them! I am happy with the way they turned out, I am going to try put the mix in a container next time or a 'orange' bag, as they eventually fall to the floor once they eat around the string! ha,ha.... Hope you enjoyed the pics...

Next time I do the weekly food shop I think Ill make a birdy food list too... Including Peanut butter?! How unusual! ...

Well I will go for now, See you again soon

Priscilla x

Sunday 3 January 2010

Happy New Year.. Ideas,Ideas!!

My house Christmas 2009
Happy New year!!!! Welcome 2010.... Although Christmas is over and I am looking forward and making plans for the new year... I am still enjoying the Christmas mood while I can, mainly the tree lights! I never want to take them down...I just love sitting and reading or stitching in the cozy glow... ahh well.... soon it will be time to say goodbye... so I will enjoy them a little longer!

I have decided 2010 is the year I make my bedroom look and feel more warm and cozy... I have struggled for a while with what type of look I want in there... at the moment it is quite plain, when I first moved into my house I concentrated on the living room and kitchen. Now its the bedroom's turn.

I debated over bright colours...knitted items, along the lines of Cath Kidston? Or a more Prim style.... warm colours with a old worldly feel?
So I have made a decision.... PRIM it is... it suits my house more, my carpet is deep green, I have white walls, pine doors and ceiling beams! (looking at it this way it should have been a easy decision! lol)
I found this photo on the web...this is my dream bedroom!!!!
of course..... eventually I will probably add things that do not match this theme! but for now my plan is to start somewhere...

First on my PRIM list...1. Stacked Boxes

From what I can see from the other amazing PRIM style homes here in blog create the look correctly I need to get myself some boxes similar to these.. I may buy plain ones and have a go at painting them myself.... another project on the to do list! ha,ha

2. I would also like to find some curtain material like this... but maybe blue check instead of brown.

Go check this website out for the most beautiful styled homes

3. I also noticed a lot of hand made pictures suit this type of decor ...embroidery and cross stitching are used a lot!!!!! (Perfect, keep me busy in the new year) using tea/coffee stained muslin...I have been browsing and found some cute free embroidery patterns...

This is my plan for the beginning of the New Year, I will let you know how I go in finding my items, if anyone has any ideas or tips or links...I would love to hear them!

See you again soon and Happy New Year!

Priscilla x