Wednesday 30 December 2009

Christmas 2009..

Christmas is over again for another year ! Did you all have a great time... did you go anywhere over Christmas or stay at home? I stayed at my parents house, we had a lovely Christmas day... opening gifts, enjoying Christmas dinner and watching old movies...
Mum and dad went to get grandma at 2.00 pm... I snapped a quick pic of Mum whilst she was on her way to the car... (in the Snow!!!)
Here we are Grandma and myself... oh and Beauty the Budgie! Since Dec 24th we have had grandmas budgie at my parents house.... he is living with us now..

I was a lucky girl and received some lovely gifts... here's a little look..
Cute!! We always treat each other to nice T-Towels as a bit of fun...but look how cute they are...Cakes! Perfect for me!. and can you see the kirks Folly Jewellery box? I will come back to that .. the little gingerbread man came with some very tasty Ginger cookies! lol
A close up of this beautiful candle... its shaped like an old milk bottle... it comes from a company called Milkhouse Candle Creamery and mum bought it me as a surprise off QVC Uk!! It smells divine,its called 'Welcome Home'... it smells of spices,honey,woody,baking, ginger, I cant wait to burn it, it's a soya candle... yum!
Mum also bought me and herself these wickless candles! They give off the most subtle scent when placed above the fireplace....
Cozy time.... So I have the cozy the cozy nightwear! A long fleece night is sooooo soft...
Yankee Candle...Still a family favourite range.... I received one of my fav scents..Macintoch
And here's what was in the Kirks Folly box.... Do you all know of Kirks Folly Jewellery? A Fairy fantasy range sold on QVC, I love her pieces.... and I love this necklace! It is made from turquoise chips and a beautiful sea view moon face that just catches the light and looks amazing.....
And my Charlie Bear... another range sold on QVC...can you tell we get a lot of QVC! Just so sweet, his head moves slightly..I also received a charlie bear last year... I love them. This bear is called ......JOY...... what a great name to begin the New Year!

Surprise in the Post.... I received these two parcels from my lovely blogging friend Linda from over at 'Somewhere In Time'... Look at he cute packaging

Thank you Linda for the Lovely gifts. I love the scarf and gloves and look.... a Pearl letter P......for my name Priscilla, how thoughtful! cute socks which will be great to cozy up in at night with the choc drink....Aaahhh I am ready already! Thank you for been such a thoughtful friend....
Dosn't the Letter look cute on the tree.....

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! See you in 2010 !!!!

Priscilla xxx

Sunday 13 December 2009

Nearly Christmas....I am still here xx

Hi Everyone, Sorry its been so long..... My life has been seeing some changes...some good and others a little sad. My Grandma became poorly and has had to move into a care home and we have been helping her get settled in....she is doing a lot better now, and is coming to our family on Christmas Day !! As normal.... I have been a bad blogger so thought I'd share what I have been up too the latter end of this year 2009!

The Christmas Fair.....As usual my friend and I did the guess the weight of the cake back in Nov, and I decorated it... We took £30 for the church so we were happy! Here are few photos of the cake...

Some New Experiences...

I have recently started Volunteering at my local CANCER RESEARCH shop, so in the new year we will be having a good sort out and will be taking items to the shop.

It's a great working environment, great people..... I applied there as the advertisement read.... *Person Needed for Book Department*...... that suits me wonderfully, I love books and that is what I am doing, sorting books by author, Subject matter, pricing and (choosing the ones I want to read) ha,ha......... and general shop tasks... I do two days a week in the afternoon and I am enjoying it.

On 9th Dec, the day before my Birthday, I went out with some of the people from the shop to a Christmas show and meal... to celebrate the shop's 20th Birthday! It was a good night... (if you are new to my blog I am the one in white to the right! )

I hope you are all ready for Christmas and I wish you all the very Best for the New Year!!

Now things are calming down around here I should be around more often! I'll leave you with the last book I just read and enjoyed....
Santa Cruise - Carol Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark. I enjoyed this book, it is a very light read, like a Disney Movie! The ratings on Amazon don't rate highly...but if you just want a fun, christmassy read. Its a good one....
* I tried to copy and paste a synopsis of the book or even a link to amazon but for some reason the option to paste on Blogger is no longer there?? What do we do now?
Happy Christmas Everyone and see you soon xxxx
Priscilla x

Saturday 7 November 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Untitled by Jelena M S featuring American Eagle Outfitters bags

All I want 'Before' Christmas is....this outfit !!!

Isn't this combination of colours just so cute and wintery? I am going to try and re create this look for winter.
All we need is some snow to finish the look off perfectly!

I have never really been one for buying clothes... really I am not, I like them but never see the full potential of every item....and end up wandering around the shops looking a bit overwhelmed!

This website has come to my rescue!!! its called Polyvore. This site has so many amazing combinations of clothes, as many colours and styles you can imagine.... created by people with a fashion vision!! ha,ha

And this one??? So beautiful...... I am now on the hunt for items similar to these........I am in love with this site!
...... and I want that little bird cage necklace!
I have a renewed love of Fashion
Hope you like to outfits too... check out the website for some beautiful inspiration...
Priscilla x

Sunday 1 November 2009

Halloween 2009..Decor and Waxworks!

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween 2009!!! I thought I would share with you how I spent my favourite night of the year.... and show you a few pics of my house at Halloween.

Kitchen Witch... Halloweeny magnets, I got two of these when I visited Pendle last year. I keep them on the fridge all year! I just love them.. and the other two cute designs were gifts from my dear blogging friend Linda.. Oh, and do you like the Pumpkin on the Microwave? Its a soup tureen... from T.K Maxx!

Halloween at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks...
Now I was planning a quiet Halloween at home until a friend asked me to take part in an Halloween event at Louis Tussuad's in Blackpool... to scare people when they realise I am not wax! I already had my panto costume so I borrowed a wig and had my face painted to become..... Dracula's Bride! there were many of us taking part. some walking around, some still like myself... It was a fantastic night, we had Aunt Sally next to Worzel Gummidge, A Witch, The Exorcist.. I was in the Chamber of Horrors which was a little spooky for someone like me who doesn't watch scary movies ha,ha

Here are a few pics, the night started at 5 till 9 pm !

Me and Bram Stoker's Dracula.... Most of the visitors to the chamber of Horrors had been to Halloween party at the waxworks upstairs so were dressed in costume as they walked past me.... it did sound funny to hear a witch say she was scared... and push a tall male vampire in front to go first!! lol
A close up of the make up girls work.... Spooky! lol It was a great night, great fun, I have been asked to help out again next year, so a good excuse for a new costume!

Relaxing Eve...

I got home at around 10.00pm and enjoyed the rest of All Hallows Eve by watching the movie Bewitched, which just makes me feel good and smile a lot!

whilst wearing.... these were a cute gift from Linda at 'Somewhere In Time'

and eating....

I just love Fancies...and Halloween ones...ooohhh i'am in love! ha,ha

Halloween is over ... please excuse me I may cry...but not long to wait until Christmas! Hope you all had a great Halloween

See you soon

Priscilla xx

Thursday 29 October 2009

More Halloween Movies - The Good Witch

Hi Everyone... Here is another movie on my Halloween list to watch

The Good Witch

I havnt seen this movie yet,but other blogs have been saying how good it is.
What a perfect time to see it!

Here is a brief synopsis...

'When the mysterious Cassandra Nightingale moves into a supposedly haunted house in the suburban town of Middleton, she causes a stir among the locals - especially widower Jake Russell and his two children. After a series of bizarre occurrences, opinions towards the newcomer are divided, with some believing her to be a nuisance but others suspecting her of being something else entirely'

and the trailer

Look at all those bottles.... I wonder what concoctions they contain?
This movie can been seen on Movies24
30 October 21:00
31 October 17:000
1 November 17:00

and also on the Hallmark Channel after Halloween
04 November 09:35
04 November 16:45

I cant wait to watch this one, it looks great.... I have already watched Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family I am truly in the Halloweeny mood........and I still have others to watch

Which movies are you watching?

See you Soon

Priscilla x

Friday 23 October 2009

Halloween Movie Countdown...

Hocus Pocus...
First on the list,
I love this movie, I watch it every year. I first watched it when I was a teenager, but it scared me! ha,ha But I still loved it then too! around the week before Halloween I begin watching all those movies that tell me Halloween is nearly here... and if truth be told, it wouldn't feel like Halloween without them!

I will be counting down until Halloween the movies to look out for, when they are on...or what to buy or rent....

And so we begin with 'Hocus Pocus'
Here is a synopsis from the web..
'A teenager living in Salem breaks into a spooky house on Halloween, and accidentally resurrects three witches who were executed 300 years ago. The trio are soon causing chaos while seeking a suitable sacrifice for a ritual to give them everlasting youth. However, an old foe, a boy they turned into a cat, is on hand to help stop their mischief. Supernatural Disney comedy, starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy'

'Come Sisters'.... I do love the costumes the witches wear!

Winnie....... 'We Fly'..... 'On What' ??

' It's Just a bunch of Hocus Pocus'.... says Max Dennison before he lights the Black Flame candle .... that brings the Witches back to life!
The Sanderson House... now who would want to stumble across this on Halloween Night??....
I hope if you see this movie you enjoy it as much as I do, one day I hope to visit Salem, Its always been somewhere I wished to go. I know some of this movie was filmed there too.The old style buildings are beautiful...

I will leave you now as I am going to get some cocoa and snuggle down to watch the movie.....

Happy Halloween Movie watching everyone!

If you live in the uk you can buy this DVD at Morrison's and Asda... and

See you soon

Priscilla x

Thursday 15 October 2009

Halloween Stitching...

Hi Everyone, I hope you are having a good week.... I have been feeling rather crafty lately and have a few projects on the go and in the pipeline. I have been turning the tv off and stitching and crafting away into the wee early hours.....This is what I am working on at the moment

Bountiful Kitties - Mill Hill Kit

I am stitching the design on 16 count Aida rather than the perforated paper that came in the kit, I may stitch on that another time. I think I will frame the finished piece and add it to my Fall/Halloween decor...

I just love the designs that Mill Hill do, they have some cute Halloween and Christmas kits, I may just treat myself to a Christmas design 'before' Christmas...he,he

I bought mine from a website called 'Sew and So'..... here is the link

See you again soon

Priscilla x

Saturday 3 October 2009

Books...Autumn Reading and Reviews

I have once again been collecting books from the library, some I ordered in advance the others I picked up of the shelves...

No Clue at The Inn - Kate Kingsbury I look forward to trying this new author, a lucky Library find

The Osiris Ritual - George Mann A library find.

The Solstice Of Stonewylde - Kitt Berry I have read the first in this series 'Magus Of Stonewylde', nearly finished the second, this is the third.


A Catered Halloween - Isis Crawford

I have been waiting to get my hands on A catered Halloween for about a year! I ordered it from the library as soon as it came in....... Then my mum surprised me with a gift! Mum had also bought me the book as she knew I had it on my Wish List on Amazon! ha,ha So now both mum and I have a copy to enjoy! I am keeping my gift and mums reading the library copy....

Here is the Synopsis from Fantastic Fiction

'With the promise of a hefty commission and some valuable word-of-mouth for their catering business, A Little Taste of Heaven, sisters Bernadette and Libby Simmons agree to cater the charity haunted house being staged at the old Peabody School. But when wealthy socialite Amethyst Applegate is found dead in the haunted house, Bernie and Libby wonder if a murderer might also be lurking about Peabody's gloomy halls...While almost everyone Amethyst ever met might have a motive for killing her, not everyone had access to the Peabody School. All Bernie and Libby know is if they don't solve this mystery soon, they might become the next stars in a real-life horror flick'...

Reading Update - reviews

I finished reading Frill Kill I mentioned in my last post. -

I enjoyed the book set in New Orleans around the Halloween season. Great descriptions, and interesting characters. Although I would of liked a bit more to the story, at times the pacing was slow...and the conclusion to the murder and 'who done it' was over very quickly! A nice light read, if like me you enjoy reading books set at Halloween.... but rather weak in other areas.

I also began reading Ghouls Just want to have fun...Unfortunately I read half of the book and gave up, this book moved far far to slow for my liking and the characters were becoming extremely annoying, they were fun and cute for a while, the main character reminding me of 'Buffy' the vampire slayer, sassy, witty.... but no storyline was developing and I became tired of the nonsense dribble of conversation between the two main characters... I wanted to like this more than I did, but I don't feel bad I gave up reading as there are more books to read and enjoy!

I am off now to finish reading 'Moondance of Stonewylde' the second book in the Stonewylde series. I have enjoyed the first two and will be reading the third soon...

See you again soon

Priscilla x

Saturday 19 September 2009

Autumn Reading..Volunteering

Hi Everyone,

Goodness is it really September, where did the time go? I am still here and getting into my normal routine for Autumn, searching outs books to read as the days and nights get colder!

I have also been doing some volunteer work for the last few month at a local Maritime Museum, helping with childrens craft activities and watching the museum floor. Its been a really great couple of months, I am there on Tuesdays now as the children have gone back to school and I am to start in the little gift/coffee shop soon. I will share some more photos of the shop and museum in another post..

Autumn Reading..

Here are the autumn theme books I have just brought back from the library...

Frill Kill - Laura Childs I have just begun reading this book, so far I am enjoying it. I also read The Jasmine Moon Murder by the same author.

I always like to read books set around halloween at this time of year.. here is the synopsis from

'This Halloween, the bestselling mystery author makes New Orleans even spookier than usual. Carmela's friend Ava is having a Halloween bash at her scrapbooking store, and she hires a sexy Tarot reader named Giovanni to work the crowd. What he doesn't foretell is that on her way home Carmela will find the body of a beautiful model behind a Dumpster, and be attacked herself. But he's the one who appears to save her-or was he already there? '

And this one that I dont know a lot about but the cover looks enticing..ha,ha Ghouls Just Want to Have Fun - Kathleen Bacus

'After being stalked by a psycho dunk-tank clown, Tressa Jayne Turner takes a break from reporting until a reclusive and rather strange best-selling writer arrives in town.'

What books are you reading at the moment? Or do you have a Autumn/Halloween favourite...
See you again soon
Priscilla x

Sunday 19 July 2009

Strawberries and Garden...

Hi Everyone, I am sorry its been so long since I last posted. I am having trouble viewing blogs, the pc pauses then crashes, I don't understand it, I work from a lap top and my parents just got a new pc and it does it on theirs too..... must be vista? So I just havnt been on as often as usual, ......... but I wanted to let you all know I am still here and share some pretty photos! ha,ha

I have been growing Strawberries.... which I have never grown before..... I had them outside to begin with until something ate 3 of the berries! So brought them inside my parents porch.

I have tasted about 5 but ooohh they do have a bitter bite to them! Still fun though....ha,ha

Parents Garden....
I wanted to show you this beautiful tree my parents have growing in their garden, I have no idea what its called......... When I was at school I had a boyfriend called David, his dad gave my mum a cutting of the tree......... and ever since we named the bush 'Davids Dads Tree'....... we still call it that now, it kinda stuck!

Close up of the flowers...... Do you have any idea what the tree could be?

Neighbours Flowers..........over the garden gate

These beautiful Peony blooms are not mine or my parents, they are my parents neighbours! This is the dividing fence, so we get to enjoy them too.......

I hope you have enjoyed the little garden tours....... Have a wonderful week

See you again soon

Priscilla x