Sunday 13 December 2009

Nearly Christmas....I am still here xx

Hi Everyone, Sorry its been so long..... My life has been seeing some changes...some good and others a little sad. My Grandma became poorly and has had to move into a care home and we have been helping her get settled in....she is doing a lot better now, and is coming to our family on Christmas Day !! As normal.... I have been a bad blogger so thought I'd share what I have been up too the latter end of this year 2009!

The Christmas Fair.....As usual my friend and I did the guess the weight of the cake back in Nov, and I decorated it... We took £30 for the church so we were happy! Here are few photos of the cake...

Some New Experiences...

I have recently started Volunteering at my local CANCER RESEARCH shop, so in the new year we will be having a good sort out and will be taking items to the shop.

It's a great working environment, great people..... I applied there as the advertisement read.... *Person Needed for Book Department*...... that suits me wonderfully, I love books and that is what I am doing, sorting books by author, Subject matter, pricing and (choosing the ones I want to read) ha,ha......... and general shop tasks... I do two days a week in the afternoon and I am enjoying it.

On 9th Dec, the day before my Birthday, I went out with some of the people from the shop to a Christmas show and meal... to celebrate the shop's 20th Birthday! It was a good night... (if you are new to my blog I am the one in white to the right! )

I hope you are all ready for Christmas and I wish you all the very Best for the New Year!!

Now things are calming down around here I should be around more often! I'll leave you with the last book I just read and enjoyed....
Santa Cruise - Carol Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark. I enjoyed this book, it is a very light read, like a Disney Movie! The ratings on Amazon don't rate highly...but if you just want a fun, christmassy read. Its a good one....
* I tried to copy and paste a synopsis of the book or even a link to amazon but for some reason the option to paste on Blogger is no longer there?? What do we do now?
Happy Christmas Everyone and see you soon xxxx
Priscilla x


  1. It is good to see you back to blogging!!! Great picture of you and your friend!!! Merry Christmas!!! :-)

  2. Merry Christmas Priscilla! You have been busy...good to see you back. I'd love to work in the book section too, that is a cute picture of you and your friends...looks like a nice group to work with.
    I'm glad your Grandma is settling in after her move and it wonderful she is able to be with you all at Christmas. Hugs and best wished to you and your parent...Linda

    p.s. We love your snowman much did it weigh?

  3. So glad you was able to pop in before Christmas and say hi!

    Well done on the good you are doing for charity.

    Sorry to hear about your nan but glad she will be spending Christmas Day with you.

    All the best for 2010 and hav a fantastic Christmas

    Victoria xxx

  4. What a lovely cake! I was trying to be so organized and baked mine at the beginning of October, but it is still not iced!!!

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas Priscilla.

    Marie x

  5. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!! Dianntha
