Wednesday 30 December 2009

Christmas 2009..

Christmas is over again for another year ! Did you all have a great time... did you go anywhere over Christmas or stay at home? I stayed at my parents house, we had a lovely Christmas day... opening gifts, enjoying Christmas dinner and watching old movies...
Mum and dad went to get grandma at 2.00 pm... I snapped a quick pic of Mum whilst she was on her way to the car... (in the Snow!!!)
Here we are Grandma and myself... oh and Beauty the Budgie! Since Dec 24th we have had grandmas budgie at my parents house.... he is living with us now..

I was a lucky girl and received some lovely gifts... here's a little look..
Cute!! We always treat each other to nice T-Towels as a bit of fun...but look how cute they are...Cakes! Perfect for me!. and can you see the kirks Folly Jewellery box? I will come back to that .. the little gingerbread man came with some very tasty Ginger cookies! lol
A close up of this beautiful candle... its shaped like an old milk bottle... it comes from a company called Milkhouse Candle Creamery and mum bought it me as a surprise off QVC Uk!! It smells divine,its called 'Welcome Home'... it smells of spices,honey,woody,baking, ginger, I cant wait to burn it, it's a soya candle... yum!
Mum also bought me and herself these wickless candles! They give off the most subtle scent when placed above the fireplace....
Cozy time.... So I have the cozy the cozy nightwear! A long fleece night is sooooo soft...
Yankee Candle...Still a family favourite range.... I received one of my fav scents..Macintoch
And here's what was in the Kirks Folly box.... Do you all know of Kirks Folly Jewellery? A Fairy fantasy range sold on QVC, I love her pieces.... and I love this necklace! It is made from turquoise chips and a beautiful sea view moon face that just catches the light and looks amazing.....
And my Charlie Bear... another range sold on QVC...can you tell we get a lot of QVC! Just so sweet, his head moves slightly..I also received a charlie bear last year... I love them. This bear is called ......JOY...... what a great name to begin the New Year!

Surprise in the Post.... I received these two parcels from my lovely blogging friend Linda from over at 'Somewhere In Time'... Look at he cute packaging

Thank you Linda for the Lovely gifts. I love the scarf and gloves and look.... a Pearl letter P......for my name Priscilla, how thoughtful! cute socks which will be great to cozy up in at night with the choc drink....Aaahhh I am ready already! Thank you for been such a thoughtful friend....
Dosn't the Letter look cute on the tree.....

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! See you in 2010 !!!!

Priscilla xxx

Sunday 13 December 2009

Nearly Christmas....I am still here xx

Hi Everyone, Sorry its been so long..... My life has been seeing some changes...some good and others a little sad. My Grandma became poorly and has had to move into a care home and we have been helping her get settled in....she is doing a lot better now, and is coming to our family on Christmas Day !! As normal.... I have been a bad blogger so thought I'd share what I have been up too the latter end of this year 2009!

The Christmas Fair.....As usual my friend and I did the guess the weight of the cake back in Nov, and I decorated it... We took £30 for the church so we were happy! Here are few photos of the cake...

Some New Experiences...

I have recently started Volunteering at my local CANCER RESEARCH shop, so in the new year we will be having a good sort out and will be taking items to the shop.

It's a great working environment, great people..... I applied there as the advertisement read.... *Person Needed for Book Department*...... that suits me wonderfully, I love books and that is what I am doing, sorting books by author, Subject matter, pricing and (choosing the ones I want to read) ha,ha......... and general shop tasks... I do two days a week in the afternoon and I am enjoying it.

On 9th Dec, the day before my Birthday, I went out with some of the people from the shop to a Christmas show and meal... to celebrate the shop's 20th Birthday! It was a good night... (if you are new to my blog I am the one in white to the right! )

I hope you are all ready for Christmas and I wish you all the very Best for the New Year!!

Now things are calming down around here I should be around more often! I'll leave you with the last book I just read and enjoyed....
Santa Cruise - Carol Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark. I enjoyed this book, it is a very light read, like a Disney Movie! The ratings on Amazon don't rate highly...but if you just want a fun, christmassy read. Its a good one....
* I tried to copy and paste a synopsis of the book or even a link to amazon but for some reason the option to paste on Blogger is no longer there?? What do we do now?
Happy Christmas Everyone and see you soon xxxx
Priscilla x