Friday 27 February 2009

Books...Reading pile

I don't know about you but I always have a book to read, usually I pick up two or three from the library and finish them before I get more. last week the library had books that I have wanted to read for a while and the order for titles that I placed around a month ago all came in at the library at once! So now I have this rather large pile of books to enjoy! I usually read cozy murder mysteries, but recently have started to read a few more chic lit type books, and I always enjoy a book with a bit of a magical theme . I am looking forward to reading this collection as they all fit that description....

I am currently reading The Witching Time - Jean Stubbs. Its good so far.......cozy village, a mix of characters, Crafting ladies who own their own hat and stitching shops, town gossips. And a group who are putting on a pantomime for a local festival! Obviously there is a lot more to the story than that but these are just some of the themes...
I think I may read Hubble Bubble- Christina Jones next, a few year ago I read Seeing Stars by the same author and loved it, again a small village, an amusing cast of characters, and a bit of magic, here is a synopsis from amazon...

'Mitzi is determined not to dwindle quietly into serene old age and sets about organising and revitalising Hazy Hassocks, the small rural community she has lived in all her life. However, with the discovery of her grandmother's cookery book in the attic,life for Mitzi and her friends and family starts to get very interesting. Full of old-fashioned recipes with enchanting names like Wishes Come True Pie, Mischief Night Cake, and Powers of Persuasion Pudding - Granny's dishes provide a nourishing meal, but they also seem to have some very surprising side effects indeed. '

My to read pile consists of ;

The Witching time -Jean Stubbs

Hubble Bubble - Christina Jones

The Chocolate Lovers Club - Carole Matthews

Death of a Witch - M.C Beaton

The Merrybegot - Julie Hearn (a young adult book)

Under my spell - Deborah Wright

What types of books do you all enjoy reading, I'd love to hear about them....... Thank you all for the best wishes with the Panto, it went well and lots of fun was had by all, we had two full houses one night! We all took lots of photos which I will share in a future post.....

Have a wonderful relaxing weekend, Bye for now

Priscilla x


  1. About time you posted!!! LOL...I have to hear what is happening "across the pond" or I get antsy...

    I think you have some very interesting books there! I read at night before bed, too. I have a bunch of books I just read over and over, but I think I might try to get my hands those you mentioned, The Witching Time sounds very interesting and so does Hubble Bubble. I also liked reading that series based in Botswana, it starts with The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, but the author got stupid about it and stopped paying any attention to the plots.

  2. I love books too...use to be a lit. teacher.
    I love historical fiction the best but lately I have been reading about people who turned 50 and started a whole new career. I think this is so interesting and it is ever so popular to do that right now. Dianntha

  3. That looks like a great pile of books there. I'm a fan of chick lit as i read on the train to and from work so don't like anything too heavy.

    I did a post last week i think on what i've been reading lately.

    Victoria x

  4. I love true stories except at times of high stress in which case I love to read something light.
    Well done with the panto. Looking forward to seeing the photos. Cheers...pam

  5. Thanks so much for your book suggestions, I'm always looking for something new to read! I too like a book with alittle magical theme, some of Nora Roberts have just the right mix.

  6. All these titles look good to me!
    Try the Charlaine Harris books, her newer vampire series are a real hoot, and she always writes about strong women, especially in her older titles.

  7. Hi Priscilla! Thx for coming to my blog! Looks like we have the same taste in alot of things, lol. You have a great blog here, and I'm astounded by that Harry Potter cake. I love all things HP and that cake is to die for! You are very talented. I'll be back too, because I want to make note of your book selections-they look great.

  8. hi priscilla, thank you for visiting my blog and the feedback from the tutorial. It was my first so I was hoping it was easy to follow. I love your site, and I love to read too. I think I will try the one you are reading now. It sounds great.

  9. I reserved a couple of those from my library. I like to read just about anything. Right now I am reading a nonfiction book about a haunted house.

  10. Hi Priscilla!! I LOVE to read too....I have to the public library twice in the past few weeks. Most of the books I check out are about frugal living but I do love to read a good story now and then!!

    hugs to you!!!
