Tuesday 13 January 2009

I am taking part in Think Thin Thursdays!!

The Not-So-Blog Changes, Changes!!! That is the plan... I just wanted to pop in tell you all how excited I am. I recently found this..... 'Think Thin Thursdays' over at 'The Not So-blog-Blog' It is a way for all bloggers who wish to lose a few lbs, or get fit, eat healthy etc, its been called weight watchers without the Fee! We are each others support and accountability. And I am joining them.

I need to lose weight and get healthier, I have gained 2 St over the last 3 year and really want to lose it again, I find I do really well for around a month, then stop exercising and the l bs pile back on! So I am hoping with support from you my fellow blogging friends I will be able to stick to a routine, and not fall off the wagon...ha,ha

Every Thursday I will be adding my goals for the week...walk more, or drink more, etc and I'll return the following Thurs with how I did! and I am going to weigh myself, which I can now do as I got new batteries for the scale today, and hopefully over time we can watch the scale go down! If you fancy joining in head over to http://www.thenotsoblog.blogspot.com/

I also received some wonderful awards recently.... This Fabulous Award from my dear friend Linda at 'Somewhere In Time', who I can say has a fabulous blog also! Thank you Linda x

Here is what you have to do ,I think I have to list five of my addictions so here goes:

Chocolate (hhmm) could be a problem see above!

Yankee Candles, Cake decorating, Watching Movies, Reading

I pass this blog along to a lovely lady called Marie at Dreaming of Wild roses, Who lives in Canada, and with all that snow makes me wish I did!

I also received this award from Marie Called friends here is the description of the award...

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these kind writers. When you pass the award along please include these guidelines. I am to choose eight friends to share this with.

I am sending this blog onto 4 of my blogging friends who have been with me from the start...

Victoria at Vintage Tea

Linda at Somewhere in Time

Robin at Bittersweet Pumpkin

and Alison at Vintage Amethyst

I hope you are all having a wonderful week, See you on Think Thin Thurs!

Priscilla x


  1. hoping that the faux cake for the theater turns out for you.thanks for stopping by my blog. hope you'll visit again.

  2. Wishing you success in eating healthier! That is surely a worthy goal for 2009. Thank you for the tip about the Think Thin support system, I am going to go over there and take a look-see!

  3. You are such a Sweetheart,,thanks for passing that along!!Congrats on receiving those awards....you deserve them!

    I need to lose some weight too, and I am going to do it this year for sure! I trying to overcome my fear of exercise...LOL...actually Hubby and I go for a long walk each night but I realize I need to do something that involves sweating..LOL.

    Hugs to you Darlin'

  4. Sweet friend, thank you for the award and congrats on receiving it too. You are most deserving.

    I'm on a weight loss journey too. I'm doing WW but TTT sounds like a great idea....I'm just going to pop over and read a bit about it. Good luck and success to both of us...hugs, Linda

  5. Hi Priscilla,

    Thank you for the award! I will post about it as soon as I have time.

    When you say drink more, I take it you don't mean alcohol?!? Good luck with Think Thin.

    As for the snow you mentioned, it is pretty to look at (through a window), but I can't handle the bitter temperatures at the moment. This morning was -21 C with a wind chill of -30 C. I walked home from the station and I couldn't get home fast enough!

    Marie x
