Tuesday 2 September 2008

Its been a while.....Nice to be back!

Hi everyone, Goodness time has flown by and what a bad blogger I have been! I really didn't intend staying away this long! I hope you are all well......... This whole year has flown actually and now we are approaching my favourite time of year again, autumn. We didn't see much summer here in the uk, but I did manage to enjoy the garden......

I had some nice results from some seeds I planted a while back, forget-me-nots, Stocks and Indian pinks..... The others planted were blown all over the garden in a gale, so I lost most of them! There were not really enough salvaged to make a huge display, these are the ones that survived....This is at my parents house, where I potted them, they began to look nice among mums lillies and Egyptian figure! so I decided to keep there there.

Its hard to tell from the photo but these Lillies are Huge! We bought them from QVC uk and they were scented beautifully, as you stepped outside you were hit with the fragrance, thats my hand trying to compare size, ha,ha

Its good to be back, I will be visiting you all very soon! I've really missed blogging and visiting......

Take care see you soon

Priscilla x


  1. Welcome back!

    TK Maxx is great for seasonal items, I hope you find some for Halloween.

    Victoria x

  2. What beautiful flowers. We have had a drought this year so nothing id doing well at all. Dianntha

  3. Hello Priscilla!
    I followed the path from Refections in the afternoon.
    What a charming blog you have here.
    I loved reading about your trip to Pendle.
    Best wishes
    Karen x

  4. Hi Priscilla,

    Welcome home! I love autumn too and am hoping for some spectacular colours over the coming weeks.

    We have also had a very wet summer, but were fortunate enough to be away last week when the sun shone every day!

    Marie x

  5. Welcome back to the world of blogging. Your garden is lovely and inspiration for me to get out in my own which desperately needs some TLC!


  6. Glad to see you've returned. So many of my British friends have complained of having no summer to speak of! Ah well, autumn is a wonderful season and you're sure to enjoy that!

    Best to you from both of us!

  7. I'm not quite sure how I got here, but I'm glad I did!

    I'm also from Lancashire although I've been living in Ireland for 5 years now.

    It was lovely to see Pendle on your blog. I walked up Pendle Hill (once!) on Hallowe'en night. It was great!

    I'm going to have another look around here


  8. Hi Priscilla, I'm so happy to see you back...time does just fly....I can't believe October is just around the corner.....I love this time of year too.
    Pretty garden shots and the Lillies are gorgeous...I was wondering did you plant pumpkins this year? Hugs to all, Linda

  9. Hi Priscilla, I just got my fabric for the Chocolate Shoppe stitch...I can hardly wait to begin. The weather is really turning cool and it puts me so in the mood to stitch or curl up with a good book.

    Please stop by I have an award for you...hello to your mum and dad,I hope you all are having a nice weekend...hugs, Linda
