Sunday 21 September 2008

Halloweeny theme cake. Meal and awards

Hello again everyone, another month has flown by and I am catching at the wind to keep up! Earlier this year I met up with an old friend from high school who I have not seen in about 12 year! We met again on the web and have become good friends, it was her birthday recently and I decided to make her a cake........

She loves halloween, same as I do and also loves this time of year Autumn, I decided on a humours magical/halloweeny theme for her cake and I thought I would share it with you...... A witchy washing line complete with hat, dress, bloomers and her actual black cat who I call 'Kitty' as her name is way to long! ha,ha

'Bippity Boppity Boo' is of course from Cinderellas fairy godmother,

The back of the cake- Jenny is growing a few herbs at her new house and lavender is a favourite so here is her black cat sitting in the flowers.... I really loved making this cake and all the decorations as a big fan of halloween I just loved getting creative with the colours and ideas for this cake!

We went for a meal for her birthday and a few drinks after, here are a few photos..

We went to a lovely Chinese restaurant, notice how i blend in with the table cloth! ha,ha
Quite a few people...

drinks after..... It was a good night and nice to be with old friends......

Hi Everyone, I am going to begin this post with a very overdue thank you to all my wonderful blogging friends who awarded me this thoughtful award whilst I was on a blogging break.....

I was lucky enough to be awarded this sparkly award by three friends, thank you again for sharing this with me.......if you get a chance do pay a visit to these wonderful ladies..

I really do not know who to pass this on too, as in my time most of the blogs I visit already own one!

I also want to say thank you to Linda over at 'Somewhere in Time for awarding me this....Super Commenter! Its really quite fun as i used to play the frog character on the amiga 600, hes called 'Super Frog'! ha,ha I think this award is a lovely one to receive....its always nice to receive comments, just a little note to let you know someone has found something you have written of interest, I also enjoy leaving thank you again Linda!

I award these blogs with this award:

I hope you all have a good week, see you again very soon!

Priscilla x

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Its been a while.....Nice to be back!

Hi everyone, Goodness time has flown by and what a bad blogger I have been! I really didn't intend staying away this long! I hope you are all well......... This whole year has flown actually and now we are approaching my favourite time of year again, autumn. We didn't see much summer here in the uk, but I did manage to enjoy the garden......

I had some nice results from some seeds I planted a while back, forget-me-nots, Stocks and Indian pinks..... The others planted were blown all over the garden in a gale, so I lost most of them! There were not really enough salvaged to make a huge display, these are the ones that survived....This is at my parents house, where I potted them, they began to look nice among mums lillies and Egyptian figure! so I decided to keep there there.

Its hard to tell from the photo but these Lillies are Huge! We bought them from QVC uk and they were scented beautifully, as you stepped outside you were hit with the fragrance, thats my hand trying to compare size, ha,ha

Its good to be back, I will be visiting you all very soon! I've really missed blogging and visiting......

Take care see you soon

Priscilla x