Monday 3 March 2008

Panto and Buddies Award

Hi all, I am sorry it has been a while since I last blogged. I can not believe how quickly the time has flown. The panto went well, I have added a few pictures although I am still waiting for everyone else to share theirs! I also completed a cake whilst the panto was on for a friend who's nephew loved land rovers....... I have a few cake orders at the moment so I am a happy girl, its something I love to do.....

On my last post I was making the wanted poster for the wizard, here is how it turned out, tea stained and altered using photoshop...... 'He whose name no one can remember' I wanted to keep this poster. I thought I might make a scrapbook of the plays and props and things, I have seen so much amazing work by all you crafters you have inspired me to start a scrapbook of Theatre memories!

Panto Pictures
Here is a rather blurred photo of me in the Frog Prince costume....... don't you love the bloomers!

This is backstage at the church, I hope to show more soonFrog prince before and after! the young boys name is Leo and I am currently making a cake for him with a V-Rod Harley Davidson on it.......

Here are a few of the other cast members........
This is Angela, the 'Crone Witch' Leo is her son, it was Angela's nephew I just made a cake for. Her scenes were funny, there were three witches, maiden mother and crone.........

And this is Amelia Sweetheart, Wendy- she played my frog prince's true love........ we also sang a duet, 'Iam a believer' by the monkey's! We had a good laugh!

The next show we are hoping to do is an 'old time music hall' songs such as dont 'dilly dally' 'daisy daisy' 'roll out the barrel' and many comedy acts, should be good I'll let you know whats happening soon..........

I want to say a really big thank you to Linda from somewhere in time for awarding me this lovely award, and what a nice award it is, 'blogging buddies'. I am really honoured to be thought of for this award, it means a lot. It feels great to be connected to wonderful people through my blog, Thank you again my dear friend Linda xxx

Wishing you all a wonderful week

Priscilla x


  1. I was so happy to hear from you! I've been waiting for your pictures, and they are great! You look beautiful in your costume.

    Let me tell you, I wish you were at my house last week to make my daughter's cake!! It certainly isn't my best talent ;) If I had been able to crochet her cake... maybe then it would have been a masterpiece!!

    You're welcome for the links, this site is full of such yummy recipes. I just made the chicken pie tonight. mmmmm
    Glad you're back!

  2. Hi Priscilla, I loved seeing your backstage photos...the costumes and makeup are great and you look so cute in your Frog Prince costume.
    You should do a Theatre memories book it would be a wonderful project and a great keepsake to always enjoy.
    Take care and keep us posted on your next show. Besides your beautiful cakes I think you've found another joy. Hugs to you my friend and hello to your mum and dad, Linda

  3. Oh I had to smile and laugh when I saw your wonderful panto costumes and I wished I was there seeing the play....I think that is a great idea to do theatre memories of pictures, plays your scripts ect all great stuff to look back on and every performance is different and never the same.
    Either the lines were forgotten but no one really noticed or someone fell off stage which wasnt part of the act put the crowds thought it was, hope you all had fun fun fun and dont forget to show your lovely cakes i would love to see them.

  4. Hi Priscilla! I loved seeing all of your backstage photos! It looks like you are all having a great time too! Isn't the world of blogging wonderful. There you are in England and I am here in Gainesville, Georgia, USA and somehow we run across each other! Thank you so much for stopping in to "see" me and for your very sweet comments about my hand painted easter eggs. I have been busy painting more eggs today and hope to have more up on etsy and ebay later this week!
    So nice to "meet" you!

  5. I love all the make up and costumes..everyone looks so happy too!It looks like it was great fun!!

  6. It sounds like a lot of fun was had by all. Glad to hear that it went well.

    Marie x
