Friday 28 March 2008

Gracious Hospital-i-Tea Blog-a-thon

I am taking part in the Tea-blog-a-thon over at Gracious Hospitality, every week has a new tea theme to post about, I am a bit late in posting for week ones topic but I wanted to start at the beginning!

'Share a picture of your favorite teacup and saucer; describe it and tell it's history (or make up a story about it's past). Why is it meaningful to you? This would be a good place to share about the details of your teacup collection if you have one'.
King Echnaton Tea Cup - I bought this Tea cup in Luxor Egypt 2 year ago, I have been to Luxor 5 times and adore it, everytime I go I buy a cup or mug as I collect them. This is one of my favourites, outlined in gold with the face of King Echnaton, it makes a really elegent cup of tea....

When you arrive in Egypt you are greeted with a hot sweet Red Tea usually in a small glass, it is a very well know and loved tea called - Hibiscus or Karkade we loved it so much we bought a bag full! It comes as shown above, the dried petals of the Hibiscus flower, luxor souk has every spice you can think of including baskets of tea, you can also buy Tea Bags and I brought home both. In our hotel room in the evening we make ourselves a glass of tea whilst we sit on our balcony and watch Egyptian life go by, the tea is very good for a good nights sleep. We always buy our cups when we get there rather than taking the weight in the case and this was the cup I bought that year to enjoy my Egyptian red Tea.........

Below is a photo of my mum and dad drinking Hibiscus Tea with our good friend Salah (the left of the photo) on this day we had just returned from horse riding along the banks of the nile, such a beautiful day!

I hope you have been able to get a picture of our time in Luxor and how Tea is featured so strongly, we love our time there and this little tea cup is a part of the story.......

Until next time

Priscilla xx

Thursday 20 March 2008

Easter Basket Swap

Easter Basket Swap

Easter is finally here and this is the Easter basket I sent to my swap partner in Bella Enchanted's Easter Swap, my partner is Lisa over at Lisa Laughs Lisa has received her parcel which she has let me know she is pleased with, I visited lisa today and saw my parcel goodies on her blog!!!! So I can not wait to receive mine, although I did not look at the photos in detail as I don't want to spoil the surprise, I am looking forward to receiving it........

Lisa is very fond of crafting so I tried to find items that I thought she would like and could use, she loves polka dots and I found dotted feathers too! ha,ha No Easter basket would be complete without candy which I found many themed on Beatrix potter which is so cute, the other items I thought suited Easter wonderfully and that lisa hopefully can enjoy. Close up of the chicks in baskets! I hope you all have a lovely Easter and don't make yourself ill eating chocolate eggs, which I guess sometimes too much chocolate in the space of 3 days is a bad thing! ha,ha

I will share my goodies from lisa when the nice post man delivers see you again very soon!

Bye for now

Priscilla xx

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Getting Ready for Easter?

Easter has been on my mind the last few week, taking part in Bella Enchanted's Easter Basket Swap gave me a chance to enjoy looking around all the Easter goodies out there! Yesterday was spent gathering family's chocolate eggs and I sent off my partners swap parcel.Which I thoroughly enjoyed gathering items for! With Easter on the brain I thought I would share a recipe I found for a traditional Easter Simnel cake with a twist.

Simnel Muffins

250g mixed dried fruits
grated zest and juice 1 medium orange

175g softened butter
175g golden caster sugar
3 eggs, beaten
300g self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
freshly grated nutmeg
5 tbsp milk
175g marzipan
200g icing sugar
2 tbsp orange juice for mixing
or mini eggs

1. Tip the fruit into a bowl, add the zest and juice and microwave on medium for 2 minutes (or leave to soak for 1 hour). Line 12 deep muffin tins with paper muffin cases.

2. Preheat the oven to fan 180C/ 160C/gas 4. Beat together the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, spices and milk until light and fluffy (about 3-5 minutes) - use a wooden spoon or hand held mixer. Stir the fruit in well.

3. Half fill the muffin cases with the mixture. Divide the marzipan into 12 equal pieces, roll into balls, then flatten with your thumb to the size of the muffin cases. Put one into each muffin case and spoon the rest of the mixture over it. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until risen, golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool.

4. Beat together the icing sugar and orange juice to make icing thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Drizzle over the muffins and top with a cluster of eggs. Leave to set. Best eaten within a day of making.

This week I made a birthday cake for a friend of my grandmas who turned 88 yesterday, I made this cake for her as a surprise gift. She loves to sew and embroider, I found the beautiful silhouette of a girl sewing which suited Eva nicely.....

Have a good week, I hope you enjoy the recipe,

Priscilla x

Monday 3 March 2008

Panto and Buddies Award

Hi all, I am sorry it has been a while since I last blogged. I can not believe how quickly the time has flown. The panto went well, I have added a few pictures although I am still waiting for everyone else to share theirs! I also completed a cake whilst the panto was on for a friend who's nephew loved land rovers....... I have a few cake orders at the moment so I am a happy girl, its something I love to do.....

On my last post I was making the wanted poster for the wizard, here is how it turned out, tea stained and altered using photoshop...... 'He whose name no one can remember' I wanted to keep this poster. I thought I might make a scrapbook of the plays and props and things, I have seen so much amazing work by all you crafters you have inspired me to start a scrapbook of Theatre memories!

Panto Pictures
Here is a rather blurred photo of me in the Frog Prince costume....... don't you love the bloomers!

This is backstage at the church, I hope to show more soonFrog prince before and after! the young boys name is Leo and I am currently making a cake for him with a V-Rod Harley Davidson on it.......

Here are a few of the other cast members........
This is Angela, the 'Crone Witch' Leo is her son, it was Angela's nephew I just made a cake for. Her scenes were funny, there were three witches, maiden mother and crone.........

And this is Amelia Sweetheart, Wendy- she played my frog prince's true love........ we also sang a duet, 'Iam a believer' by the monkey's! We had a good laugh!

The next show we are hoping to do is an 'old time music hall' songs such as dont 'dilly dally' 'daisy daisy' 'roll out the barrel' and many comedy acts, should be good I'll let you know whats happening soon..........

I want to say a really big thank you to Linda from somewhere in time for awarding me this lovely award, and what a nice award it is, 'blogging buddies'. I am really honoured to be thought of for this award, it means a lot. It feels great to be connected to wonderful people through my blog, Thank you again my dear friend Linda xxx

Wishing you all a wonderful week

Priscilla x