Saturday 13 October 2007

Books and Halloween

' Light all the pumpkins
and let their weird gleam
Call Witches and Goblins to keep Halloween'

It feels a while ago since I was last here, I have been waiting to have something interesting to talk about. The weeks have been rather uneventful, sometimes everything happens all at once keeping you busy and occupied, rolling along at a really quick pace making you wonder where your time is going, then everything slows up, almost stops and it makes you wonder why things don't happen in moderation? The phrase 'all or nothing' comes to mind

Since this seems to be the case at the moment I am even more pleased to be a part of callapidder days 'Fall into reading', I have had more time to indulge in books. Which as its turned out has become good for my health! Ok let me local library is 30 mins walk from where I live, I always said I wished to walk there on a regular basis, to get more exercise and the pleasure of the library. I say 'always wanted to do' but never did! Until now, I have used the reading challenge as motivation, and walked to the library twice a week for the last two week!

I have added even more books to the reading list, and completed two books that were on my original list. My grandma lives close by and seems to have caught my reading bug as she is now asking me to pick out 'Large Print' books for her to enjoy, its another 20 min walk to grandmas house so that's exercise for an extra day, so all in all I have to say reading has become good for my health! I dont need to loose a lot of weight but thought it would be good for my inner health....

I have lost 4 Pound in weight in two weeks, so feeling very positive!

I always did have an affection for books although usually new books, I was never keen on the dusty damaged versions the library stocked, but oh how a few pound changes everything! ha,ha

Reading reminded me of the books I used to love as a child and the books I used to read as a teen, when I was about 14 I used to read a series called 'point horror' I didn't like anything scary and these were just ok, a good mystery and story.......However........There were two books at that age I couldn't read as I was scared by them! One was called 'Trick Or Treat' and the other 'April Fools' these two must have been a bit more eerie so I never finished them. I had forgotten all about them till I was at the library looking for a Halloween read and I came across 'Trick Or Treat'!

I had to smile to myself and I couldn't leave without it, it may be a teen book but the story would be good! and I was sure I could handle it now! ha,ha I spend the whole of today reading it and have finally finished the book............ A good read it was too, yes 14 years is a while to have closure, but now I want to read 'April FoolsHalloween is fast approaching , more decorations have been added to the house and I am contemplating baking cookies...............It was my mum and dads 35 th wedding anniversary a few week ago and I made a cake! I will be back soon with photos and Halloween decor, I hope you enjoy your Halloween/Fall reading......
Until Next time
Priscilla x


  1. Hi Priscilla,

    It just goes to show that reading is a great way to lose weight!

    I also love to walk to my local library as often as I can, although seldom more than once a week at the moment, as I am so busy.

    Enjoy your reading.

    Marie x

  2. Hi Priscilla,

    I love to read, some of my most happy times as a child were spent at the library. Who knew reading is a great way to lose weight:).

    Please visit me...I nominated you for an award.


    p.s. I'm sending you an e-mail regarding candy corn.

  3. Oh the theme to Bewitched - brilliant. Halloween reading er I was thinking of maybe a James Herbert but ooh I'm not sure I do get scared easily!

  4. Hello ~ It is so nice to meet you. Mr. Soon-to-be Silver Bell is from your neck of the woods. Your kitten is absolutely adoooorable and such a lovely name ~ Truffles. Perfect. Your cupcakes look delicious and pretty, as well as your blog. I will add it to my list.

  5. Hi Priscilla, thank you for visiting my blog. I enjoy reading too, but never seem to have enough time to read everything on my list.

    I see you live in England. I'm English and my husband is Scottish. Someday we hope to visit the UK and visit our and our ancestor's homelands. We're thinking about a trip to the UK for our 30th wedding anniversary. That's in about 4 years. We're hoping. . . at least. Lord willing.


  6. Hey Priscilla,

    Dang, I must be reading the wrong books, I still can't lose my last 10 pounds. Cookbooks could be the problem.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, do come back after the party to see the fun and pictures. I've spent the whole week getting ready.

  7. Congrats on your weight loss...that's great!! I love October because all the scary thriller movies are being shown on TV and I could watch them again and again! :)

    I'm a huge Stephen King fan...right now I'm reading a few books on personal finance though.

    I hope all is well with you!

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