Wednesday 31 October 2007

Happy Halloween......come on in! Join the Party

A house with a Pumpkin counjures such a scare!..........Do you really wish to know who lives inside there?

Come on In, mind the cat, the nights stll young, so take of your hat.............

Hello my Pretties, i'll be your guide, dont be afraid, step right on inside.
A candle I carry to light the way
Have a good time........ I do hope you stay!

The house has been 'waiting' as I expect you know.........To celebrate Halloween and bask in its glow.

Make yourselves comfy, take a look around, don't be scared by the sights and sounds!

Trick or treat I hear you say,now let me see what I have hidden away......

A piece of cake or a pumpkin Patch?

No, No you stay seated i'll be back in a dash

Please won't you stay seated the night is not yet through,

I have many a spooky tale I wish to share with you...........

I met a wizened woman As I walked on the heath, She had an old black bonnet Her small eyes peeped beneath, Her garments were so shabby She couldn't have been rich,
She hobbled with a crutchstick, And I knew she was a Witch.

She peered at me so slyly It made my heart feel queer, She mumbled as she passed me, But what couldn't hear. I smiled at her for answer And wished her a good day She nodded and she chuckled And she hobbled on her way.

And so I got home safely. I didn't drop the eggs, My nose had grown no longer, My legs were still my legs, I didn't lose my penny 0rtumble in a ditch - So mind you smile and say 'Good Day' When you meet a witch.


This halloween party is almost over, the candles are growing dim,

All the ghouls are leaving,

But oh, there's just one more thing.............

I wish you all a very safe and Happy Halloween............

'Best Witches'

Priscilla xxx

Monday 29 October 2007

A Bloglandia Halloween Party!

Only 2 Days to Halloween!

I am taking part in Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun! A creepy Blolandia event...........

I'll be back here tomorrow with some photos and in full swing for the 31st and you are all invited!
If you would like to take part also, visit Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun! A Creepy Bloglandia Event

The party may be small
The 'scares' may be huge
So just make sure your wearing your
Halloween'y shoes!

Priscilla x

Saturday 20 October 2007

I recieved an Award! and Arsenic and Old Lace...

Thank you so much to my friend Linda from Somewhere In Time. for presenting me with this 'You Make Me Smile' Award. Since starting my blog I have found so many great sites, I can not get over how just reading from an uplifting or inspiring blog lifts my whole day! No matter where we are from, we all find something interesting in each others blogs, many many people have made me smile and I return there often, I am so pleased that my blog adds something to blogland too and that it makes someone smile! Thank you again Linda x

I am not sure how many I now give this award too, so I am going to give it to some of the blogs that I visit most often, and truly make me smile................I am sorry if I send to anyone who has already received an award, I have tried to give it to those that haven't got one yet, although there can never be too much happiness flying around......
I happily send the following Blogs the 'You Make Me Smile' Award:

My Cozy Home.
There Is No Place Like Home.
Storybook Woods.
Folded Gingham.
Ohio Farm Girl.

The Show Must Go On...............

What a week! I don't think I have mentioned before that I am a part of a local Amateur Dramatic Society? Well, This October our group is putting on my favourite Play and Movie 'Arsenic and Old Lace'. I had not been cast in this play, instead I have been helping backstage with the various props and lighting etc, (shopping trips to buy props was an extra bonus)!

The poster above is for the play and as you can see the first night is this Wednesday. The play has had some trouble getting of the ground with cast missing, braking legs and flu. I have been filling in for some of the missing shoes, with various parts, on Tuesday the director asked me ........
'If I would take on the role as the 'Police man'? as he has left due to stress! I am now currently learning my lines as fast as I can and I am pleased to say I almost know all of them! Just shows what you can do if you have too!

I am still wearing the mans 'Cop' jacket that the costume lady has 'nipped' in for me, a hat, but I will wear a skirt and tights and not pants ........with it been set in the 1930s. I get to carry a batton! if anyone knows this this play it is a true gem, it is a funny and charming story. I never guessed I would be in the play especially as a 5'2 in height Cop! I have a full dress rehearsal tomorrow night then again on Thursday, what a minute I am arranging my Halloween decor and planning my autumn reading the next Its all systems go.......

I love the old black and white movie of this play and thought id share some pictures with you, our cast is of course a bit different, I will post some photos of our play when its all over...........

See you soon,

Priscilla x

Saturday 13 October 2007

Books and Halloween

' Light all the pumpkins
and let their weird gleam
Call Witches and Goblins to keep Halloween'

It feels a while ago since I was last here, I have been waiting to have something interesting to talk about. The weeks have been rather uneventful, sometimes everything happens all at once keeping you busy and occupied, rolling along at a really quick pace making you wonder where your time is going, then everything slows up, almost stops and it makes you wonder why things don't happen in moderation? The phrase 'all or nothing' comes to mind

Since this seems to be the case at the moment I am even more pleased to be a part of callapidder days 'Fall into reading', I have had more time to indulge in books. Which as its turned out has become good for my health! Ok let me local library is 30 mins walk from where I live, I always said I wished to walk there on a regular basis, to get more exercise and the pleasure of the library. I say 'always wanted to do' but never did! Until now, I have used the reading challenge as motivation, and walked to the library twice a week for the last two week!

I have added even more books to the reading list, and completed two books that were on my original list. My grandma lives close by and seems to have caught my reading bug as she is now asking me to pick out 'Large Print' books for her to enjoy, its another 20 min walk to grandmas house so that's exercise for an extra day, so all in all I have to say reading has become good for my health! I dont need to loose a lot of weight but thought it would be good for my inner health....

I have lost 4 Pound in weight in two weeks, so feeling very positive!

I always did have an affection for books although usually new books, I was never keen on the dusty damaged versions the library stocked, but oh how a few pound changes everything! ha,ha

Reading reminded me of the books I used to love as a child and the books I used to read as a teen, when I was about 14 I used to read a series called 'point horror' I didn't like anything scary and these were just ok, a good mystery and story.......However........There were two books at that age I couldn't read as I was scared by them! One was called 'Trick Or Treat' and the other 'April Fools' these two must have been a bit more eerie so I never finished them. I had forgotten all about them till I was at the library looking for a Halloween read and I came across 'Trick Or Treat'!

I had to smile to myself and I couldn't leave without it, it may be a teen book but the story would be good! and I was sure I could handle it now! ha,ha I spend the whole of today reading it and have finally finished the book............ A good read it was too, yes 14 years is a while to have closure, but now I want to read 'April FoolsHalloween is fast approaching , more decorations have been added to the house and I am contemplating baking cookies...............It was my mum and dads 35 th wedding anniversary a few week ago and I made a cake! I will be back soon with photos and Halloween decor, I hope you enjoy your Halloween/Fall reading......
Until Next time
Priscilla x