Tuesday 21 August 2007

Baking Day...

Recently the weather has been so dull it has led me to start thinking about Autumn, planning seasonal decor, get-together's and recipes...... My first thoughts were to baking. As it happens it was a beautiful summer day yesterday so I put some cheery music on and decided I would try my hand at making cupcakes. I am used to making cakes but never made cupcakes, I chose my usual sponge cake recipe to split between the muffin tin. I have just moved into my very first house, and been able to bake and have more room has been greatly anticipated,It was a love I had not been able to thoroughly indulge in till now. I must say I was rather excited! A new oven, new kitchen, new pans oh the thrill....ha,ha.

At Christmas my parents bought me a kenwood mixer, I had been thinking about moving out for a while, so every Christmas or Birthday I would be bought something for my 'Bottom Drawer' Last Christmas I was given the ultimate present, which I love them for and will always treasure.

I gathered all the ingredients, prepared my pan etc and came to weigh the ingredients to find the battery had give up in my scales! I didn't want to quit, I was in the mood to bake and I Was going too....

I own a set of measuring cups, I searched to find a new recipe using cup measurements and couldn't find one, so I guessed.......

This Is the recipe I tried
1 & Half Cup Self Raising Flour
1 & Half Cup Sugar
1 & Half Cup Marg
3 Eggs
Choc Chips

This First batch of Cupcakes did not quite turn out as I had hoped, I placed too much batter in the papers, also not enough flour to keep the shape, I ended up with a run together almost Swiss Roll! I added quite a bit more flour, they turned out ok but the bottoms burned, by this time nearly two hour had passed and I had no cupcakes to show for it....

On My last attempt I lifted the shelf higher and produced 6 cupcakes! Considering so much time, Love (and sweat) went into making them I thought they deserved their photo taken......... The beautiful plate they are on is from a set my Grandma gave me as a moving in present, I am enjoying everything at the moment, it is all new, fresh and a new beginning, admittedly a little strange....

As the evening began to approach, I cleared everything away and looked for something to store the cupcakes in. Many years ago we had a biscuit tin containing Cadburys biscuits, I think the tin was celebrating an anniversary. I absolutely adore this tin, it has such a vintage feel of times gone.

I have been searching the web for recipes, I hope to post more pictures of my trials with cupcakes, I plan on making some for Halloween.I have found some fantastic Blogs full of recipes and Inspiration



As I walked back to my parents house from my house that evening I had a chance to take some photos,

the sun was just setting at the point where it makes everything look beautiful, here are some pictures of my new home.........

My home is part of a barn conversion, it used to be a cattle barn. There are 4 cottages in the building, mine is the end no 4.

A little peek into the woods........
It was such a lovley day baking and spending time at home, getting to know my new enviroment. I even met the neighbours, the ones who own two goats, I see them outside on a morning, their cat walks on my lawn. I feel lucky to indulge in such simple pleasures......


  1. Welcome to the world of baking cupcakes, remember you can use normal cake recipes just only fill the liners half way and watch the time cafefull 15 - 20 minutes is the norm.

  2. Ooooh, I LOVE your home!! Having your first place is so fun. Your cupcakes look so cute. I do so enjoy baking and cooking.


  3. You capture the light so well. Beautiful pictures.
