Saturday 18 April 2015

Winnie The Pooh Cake

Hello, Well I guess I didn't do so well with the posting for the New Year, ah well. I shall keep trying through 2015. Its not been a bad year so far I am still working at a job I started last year and it will be a year in May! How time flies. Still making cakes for friends. Here is one I have just finished based on Winnie The Pooh.
Just popping in to say I am still here and will see you all again soon :) xx Priscilla x

Tuesday 13 January 2015

2015 Back to blogging !!

Hello Everyone,
                          Gosh its been such a long time since I wrote a post for Priscilla's Cottage. There has been so many changes since I last wrote. I used to follow all your lovely blogs and I hope this year I will get back into reading your posts and connecting with all of you.

See you again soon
Priscilla xx