Friday 13 January 2012

2012 Goals. And a little art

Hello everyone,
I hope your new year is going well and Friday the 13th has  been good to you?

What have you started this year that is new? any new year resolutions or goals?

* One of my plans is to finish my year 2 Teaching assistant course.

*Start and finish the level 3 course.

* Take a Maths and English top up course, or redomy Maths and English GCSEs.

* Learn to Knit

Just a few of the things I have been thinking about.

I am loving working at the Primary school, over Christmas was just so lovely! I am enjoying my time there. I think when my course has finished I will stay on voluntary when I can. Over Christmas they put my artistic skills to good use in the class room and asked me to draw Santa in his sleigh with reindeer to go above the play area. The play area for Christmas was of course Santa's Grotto!

It was quite a large wall, I had a great time drawing and painting them. I love doing anything like this and it was so nice to be able to be useful to the school in this way. Here is the final piece up on the wall...

Close up of the sleigh, I drew these freehand.
It would be fantastic if I could get a permanent position in this school, there are only 67 pupils in the whole school and the staff are great!
Lets hope the new year brings that possibility!

I have just received this book from the library, I thought it sounded interesting on Amazon. It looks quite wordy but it should be a good read.
Image Detail

Talk soon Priscilla x

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Reading,Crafting and some sad news

Hello everyone.
                                  Wishing you a Happy New Year!

I have some sad news to share. My Grandma passed away over Christmas. It was quite sudden and she will be sadly missed,we are remembering her and her life and the happiness she brought us. xxx

I  am looking towards 2012. As probably everyone is,thinking about what I would like in my life and how I can make changes and looking at the things I am most thankful for.

I have been writing a to do list, do you do that? Things you want to experience or create in your world? and a little about how to go about it?  I love looking back over the lists I have made over the years, seeing what I have ticked off! and looking at how they came into my world! Its quite fun and I love doing it every year.
photos found on Pinterest.

One goal I have is to create a journal. I do have a small diary that I write in but I love the look of scrapbooking and I do enjoy been creative! but not scrapbooking just to hold photos,as I am not really into that. It would be more of a life journal or things that are happening that mean a lot.

I have gathered some inspiration for how I want the journal to look.

So I have been cutting up the Christmas cards! taking little phrases that can be used again,snowflakes and card toppers etc. I can't wait to put them to good use!

Another thing I am really interested in at the moment is The Law Of Attraction you have prob heard of The Secret?

 I have found this wonderful channel on you tube that is very similar to it. A lady called Esther Hicks. They take the law of attraction principle a lot futher and I have watched some amazing videos by them.Well worth a look if you are interested in that sort of subject!

I am currently readingImage Detail 
'Dreams can come true - it could happen to you...For the past two years, Evie Taylor has lived an invisible existence in London, a city she hoped would bring sparkle to her life. But all that is about to change. For winter has brought a flurry of snow and unexpected possibilities. Hidden away in the basement of Hardy's - once London's most elegant department store - Evie manages the stockroom of a shop whose glory days have long since passed. When Evie overhears that Hardy's is at risk of being sold, she secretly hatches a plan. If she can reverse the store's fortunes by December 26th - three weeks away - and transform it into a magical destination once again, she might just be able to save it. But she's going to need every ounce of talent and determination she has. In fact, she's going to need a miracle. '

Its a light hearted read,perfect for this time of year.

Hope you are all well and see you again soon ;) xxx