Tuesday 9 February 2010

Cake..and more Cake..

Hi everyone..
It feels like spring is on its way in my part of the world. The sun is shining..Which is lovely to see!! So nice from the drab gray sky,although it is still very cold.

As most of you know I am a member of a local Theatre company, well last week a friend who is directing our next play asked me to make his Birthday Cake... and theme it around Theatre/Drama.

Comedy and Tragedy Masks

...is what everyone thinks of when thinking of theatre, I made these in paste and dusted with edible silver glitter dust...

'Admit One' Theatre ticket... Hand painted, with Bernard's Birthday 7.2. and this years date 10....The roses were also hand made.

' Spark In Judea' is the next play I will be in. Which Bernard is directing.

Some of you who visit my blog regularly may remember I also made a cake for Bernard's Birthday at Drama last Year!
I hope you all enjoyed the pics... Its something I love to do
See you soon
Priscilla xx