Sunday 27 January 2008

Gifts, Bears,Thrifts,Stitching and Easter Swap.......

Is it me or does time seem to be going faster? I cant believe its Sunday again, I have lapsed a bit in blogging recently, due to Pantomime rehearsals which I will be talking about very soon! First in my post I would like to mention a gift I was bought for Christmas, although Christmas has come and gone I did not want to miss blogging about my new special little friend..........
His name is Callum, and he is a 'Charlie bear' the company are quite new and can be seen on qvc the shopping channel, which if I haven't mentioned before I am a huge fan of! My grandma first bought herself one in 2006 and the family fell in love with it, this year she bought my mum and myself a bear, mine is a traditional style, mums is more plush and a panda..........he even came with his own tote bag and certificate.....I hope you like him.
If you want to see more Charlie bears you can find them here

Charlie bears.

Friends bringing gifts.................
Just before Christmas I was re acquainted with a friend I have not seen in a while, I was in the middle of painting furniture and lots of crafts! A few week ago she came by again for a coffee and a chat and had brought a gift with her! I have not really known her a long time, and not well yet, but she must of grasped the things I was interested in by what she brought me............ A book on doing up old junk, ha,ha Carefully she then said 'not that I think you buy junk' I was so pleased that in the short time we have gotten to know each other she has figured me out! here is the book........

I can not express how happy I was at been presented this gift.............. 'people sometimes do the unexpected'Inside pages are full of painting techniques and ideas for each room in the house.

Thrift Finds.........

A few posts ago I mentioned taking part in my local church fair with my cake, whilst I was there I also helped set up the items that were given for the stalls. One of the items caught my eye but I didnt attempt to buy it, I just admired the piece. I assumed it had to go with the rest and I was there to help not spend! As the fair ended I noticed it had not sold and was been packed away to throw away! I picked it up for a final look and to debate on how much to offer for the piece, when the stall lady (also a friend) said 'you like that dont you' I asked her how much it was, she said I could have it and the other one?! What other one? So with a small donation I came away with what I think are two beautiful jars.................although I am not too sure how to use/display them? Any ideas?

Spring Stitch.......In my last last post I talked about my love for cross stitch, I thought I would share a few more photos of the piece and the chart pack it comes from. I thought it was 'lizzie kate' I was wrong its Teresa Wentzler

Easter Basket Swap......
I have joined Bella-Enchanted's Easter basket Swap, it will be my first swap and I am looking forward to it! All those sweet treat and crafts to make, what a great time to be had by all...... If you fancy joining in I recommend it, one item has to be crafted and the rest can be bought, and in the form of a Easter basket..............I Cant wait to start, to find out more visit

I Hope you all have a wonderful week,
Priscilla x

Sunday 20 January 2008

Projects, Crafts and awards....

At the moment my head is full of plans....... Plans for crafts I want to start, projects I wish to finish and a whole load of books I hope to enjoy! I don't know about you but I can spend hours on amazon looking for books, books on crafts, decorating, food and fiction. So much so in fact that I have decided I need a lap top, at the moment I am sitting at a computer stand on a not so comfortable chair......... oh how I long to sit on my sofa with a lap top on my knee drooling over your amazing blogs!

As I have been visiting you all, I noticed most of you have started back on your craft projects for the new year, this reminded me of the ones I have on the go, currently a Halloween door hanger, which I never did complete for Halloween, a Lizzie Kate Halloween Cross stitch and a Teresa Wentlzer 'Spring fairy' cross stitch from a season chart pack!

When I moved house last year I was working on the fairy, here is a photo of my progress so far.....It is from a Teresa Wentzler collection called four season fairies, they are beautiful and appear to have butterfly wings. I am planning to make her into a pillow for my favourite chair.........
As I mentioned in my last post I am hoping to take up knitting, I have had a go as a child but have not picked up needles for years, the first thing I did was visit amazon where I found quite a lot of interesting 'beginner' books. I think I may order one from amazon and see if my library has the others.

Here is the first book I hope to get.........

The Knitter's Bible: The Complete Handbook for Creative Knitters

Another book I found on Amazon is called warm Fuzzies, I don't think the crafts are all knitted but the book just looked so cute! I am definitely going to find this one......

Warm Fuzzies

Other amazing books I want........ even if my skills are not quite there yet, I am optimistic!

I want to say thank you to Marie over at
Wild Rose.
for awarding me with two wonderful awards.

Thank you ever so much I dont quite know what to say, I think its great that we can share our appreciation of others by sharing these awards. As one of the awards is called 'You make my day' all I can say is no truer words are spoken, I really do enjoy visiting you all, you lift my whole day and give my mind inspiration. and I am so pleased that I have also made your day! Thank you again Marie........ I am passing the 'You Make My Day' award to Homestead mercantile

And I am passing the 'Amazing Blogger' award to Somewhere In Time.

I hope you all have a wonderful week, see you again soon

Priscilla x

Tuesday 8 January 2008

A New Year... Nostalgia, Tagged!

'Jack frost nipping at your nose' -View from my back garden

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great time over Christmas and the new year. This is the time where I start thinking about what I want to do in the new year, I am hoping to pass my driving test! although I have to say I have no set goals, sometimes you can not plan things they just happen, or they change from the original plan ......... but there are a few small things I am hoping to do, one of them is knitting! In the past I thought knitting stretched as far as scarfs and grandmas cardigan, but I have come to realise that there are so many lovely things to be made, I have seen amazing socks, modern hats, and even a woolly jumper of a hot water bottle cover! So that is what I intend to try, I will go to the library and begin from scratch................ wish me luck!

'Its all Fun and Games'
Last night I went of rampage! yep, looking for a cable......... Over Christmas I remembered that I used to love playing computer games, they keep your mind active. Does anyone remember the early computer called the Commodore Amiga A600? Well, I still have mine and decided I wanted to take a trip back to childhood and make use of the machine. I searched the house for one missing cable, 3 hours I frantically searched, but didn't find it. As a last resort I tried it with just one cable and it works!!!!!! So all the old games are back out and I am going to be spending hours of simple pleasure, down memory lane........... I also used to own a ZX Spectrum, does anyone remember the' Dizzy' games? All based around an egg called Dizzy and all his adventures. Hours and hours of fun, here are a few pics to remind you......
I never imagined talking about computers on the blog, it seems out of place somehow, yet I wanted to mention what I was up too at the moment. So I hope you find something of interest....

I have also been tagged to mention 7 random unusual/weird facts about myself by my new blogging friend Michelle over at Cottage-Home , not too sure what to write, but here goes.........

1. I have a issue with books, It makes me cringe to the point of asking someone to put the book down if they bend back and crease the pages of a brand new book, I also pick up and examine every book on the shelf to find one in the best condition, if it has a slight bent or split edge I will not buy it! Does everyone do this or just me?

2. I love the Titanic, anything to do with the ship and the film, I also own official replica jewellery that was found in the pursers case. I own 2 rings, a brooch, necklace and a hat pin.I have only worn them a few times, they are safe in their boxes. I also went to London to see a titanic exhibition! it was fantastic...

3. I dream a lot! and nearly every morning I remember something from what I have dreamt. Have done ever since I was young, apparently some people cant remember a thing, I couldn't imagine that.........

4. I have visited places I might not have seen if I had not been to college. I have been at college for many a year, studying different things, with each course I got to visit some really interesting places, I am thankful for the chance, although I enjoyed my years studying at times I did not enjoy it and was unhappy, but if I had not done this I would not have the experiences I had. And years later it is the places and things I saw that remain in my memory, so I am happy..........

5. I have never worn a dress as an adult! really I don't wear them, I used to as a child and as a bridesmaid, but in summer I wear skirts, blouses top etc, I think this is habit more than anything, but still I have not wore a dress as long as I can remember........

6. I sometimes eat lettuce sandwiches, no salad, no meat, just salad cream and lettuce..... people thing I am strange.... am I?

7. I collect cups, mugs........ I have many different ones, a few collectors ones and fun ones that come with Easter eggs, like smarties, kit Kat, Oreo. Also 3 Harry potter, and a musical tetley tea, and a Alka Seltzer Pink Panther mug that he changes from green to pink when water is added, they are quite old. I also brought home mugs from Egypt when I visit! 5 visits so I now have many themed cups! ha,ha oh yes and Wallace and grommit...........can you tell I love cups!

There we are, 7 things about me, it was a challenge trying to think of things, I am not sure who to tag at the moment, everyone seems to have been tagged already, so if you visit and would like to join in , consider yourself 'Tagged'

'No Business Like Show Business'

Now something that seems posts ago, I mentioned I was in a play, Arsenic and old lace, I thought I would share the picture with you I am sorry it is so blurred! I am the police woman on the landing at the left!
Here is another picture of me in 2006 in a play called 'When We Are Married' I am sat in the centre chair on the stage in the cream blouse and beige skirt, nearly hidden by the man in black, who is our director! Happy new year to all my blogging friends and I look forward to getting to know you all better through 2008!

Bye for now
Priscilla x