Wednesday 21 November 2007

Whats On Your Coffee Table?...join me in tea and cake decorating

As I have been surfing around blogland recently I came upon many ladies displaying their coffee tables for all to see! Cindy over at My Romantic Home began the idea and she has some wonderful things on her coffee table...... Its been a good while since I last posted and thought I would take part...........

When I moved into my new home, one of the main things I wanted was a coffee table.......the main reason for this was a gift given to me by my grandma. A Yankee Candle tea light holder and Tart Burner. I work as cake decorator and love any items with a food, tea, cookie theme! I adore this gift and thought it would look lovely on a coffee table. I have only just added this to the table for Christmas as it did not suit the fall displays.

Each little cake is a tea light holder, they remove from the black stand. Strawberry scented tea-lights came with the pack, they were so sweet and juicy smelling! Yankee candles are very true to life! They have now gone and I am currently using a Christmas Cookie Tart Melt in the burner............. Pure cookie goodness!

This little tea cup is really something special. This china cup was given to me from an elderly gentleman I know, he knew I was moving house and gave it to my grandma to give to me as a gift. Fred knew I like tea themes, and told me this cup has been in his house a long time, it used to belong his wife who died ten year ago. It has the beautiful Christmas rose decorating it, which is extra special as I just love christmas........ I find the set very beautiful, I have been waiting for a time to share it with you..........

Also gracing my coffee table are magazines.............. I have a habit of collecting any I can! I keep them all over the house and I am known to keep a huge stack of cake decorating magazines next to my sofa, bed side table, and coffee table! At the moment I am having a ball as all the food stores are giving away their free Christmas monthly 'store magazine' I have to say some of the free magazines sometimes have better content than bought ones........ The one in the photo is from good house keeping I decided to treat myself, its quite good, some nice recipes and decorating ideas.

The magazine in this photo is 'Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft', I have been collecting them since 2001. I try to get the Holiday editions and usually get the monthly also. I love browsing through this magazine, lots of ideas, recipes, competitions.
Christmas Cake!

I have been asked to decorate a Christmas cake for my local church Christmas fayre 'Guess the weight of the cake'. I am looking forward to getting creative for a good cause, I also belong to the church amateur dramatic society and its through them I was asked to do the cake.

I will be browsing through many more magazines and will take photos of the cake as I am making the decorations and decorating it, at the moment I am collecting ideas. I am liking the idea of Santa's washing line, stockings, Santa hat, and his red jacket, a Christmas ribbon around the cake and tiny icing snowflakes dotted on the cake............ The fayre is on the 1st December so I will be here very soon with how to decorate.......

Have a wonderful week, see you again soon

Priscilla x

Saturday 10 November 2007

Bonfire Night...and Goodies In The Post!

' Remember Remember The Fifth Of November
Gun-powder, Treason and Plot'

Halloween is all over and all the excitement that surrounds it had died away.....However it is never long to the fifth of November when once again the streets are filled with the sounds of bangs and whistles and the night sky is filled with brilliant colours.......

'Bonfire Night' or 'Guy Fawkes Night'

Usually on this night my family and myself get wrapped up against the cold, dad takes our fireworks to the bottom of the garden, whilst mum and myself watch in the kitchen door way as dad lights the tapers to the fireworks. We all watch in awe as the rockets, spinners, and other bright packages shoot off into the the sky! We enjoy pie and mushy peas,home made parkin (ginger cake), marshmallows, chestnuts........Although this bonfire night we had made no plans, no fireworks and dad was working late. Mum and myself went to do our normal weekly food shop and bought a toffee apple, and some chestnuts that we planned to roast over a fire at the weekend.......

Then at about 8.00 pm we looked out the kitchen window to see a neighbours house behind ours letting of amazing fireworks! It was a freezing cold night so we watched the distant display from the warmth of the kitchen....... Mum told me a story of how she had once tried to roast chestnuts in the oven but had forgot to pierce them! As she opened the oven door they bust out and shell went everywhere, including on my mum........ Usually we roast them outside in an old drum......where my dad always takes position as the chestnut chef! ha,ha
So we decided we would have another go.... they turned out perfect, even better than in the fire, but we wont tell dad. Ha,ha Mum made sure she pierced the shells this year, and we added sausage rolls to the night.

It was a really wonderful evening and none of it planned......sometimes it just happens that way.

Halloween Goodies In the Post!
I wanted to share with you some goodies I received through the post before Halloween from my good friend Linda over at Somewhere In Time . I was visiting this wonderful blog when I noticed Linda had some photos of Candy Corn, as we began talking Linda offered to send me some as I have always wanted to try it, and can not get it here in the uk. I was totally thrilled as I opened the package to find other sweet goodies in there also! Sugar babies are very yum, sweet and chewy. The boxed candy was licorice, a very similar candy to one in the uk called Licorice torpedoes, I enjoyed them all very much! It was lovely to try candy I had never seen let alone tasted, I wanted to keep the candy corn around a while just to look at it! ha,ha..............but alas this little candy is quite addictive! My family enjoyed it with me too,
Linda also sent these cute Halloween socks! and this sweet little Halloween card as I love vintage Halloween items. I cannot express how overjoyed I was with this surprise parcel.......... thank you again Linda. I am pleased through our blogs we have the chance to meet many wonderful people, to share our interests and our friendship ......
I was hoping to update you on the play Arsenic and old Lace that I appeared in, Although I have only one photo of me in the the play! so I am going to see if I can get my hands on some more photos before I post. Hopefully I can post them very soon.......

I hope you all have a wonderful week,
Bye for now
Priscilla x